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The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 3
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-1-3 · Dossier · 1926
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

By the Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1926, 1927, 1931, 1936, 1937, c.1945, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1950). By the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1952, 1954, c.1955, 1958, 1964). By the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by Muriel A. Johnstone and J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1985, 2001).
Dances: Scottish Reform (J); The Dashing White Sergeant or Highland Reel (R); Saint Patrick's Day; Jenny Come Down to Jock (J); Blue Bonnets (J); The Fairy Dance (R); The Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow (J); Rachael Rae (R); The Duke is Welcome to Inverness (R); The Eighjt Men of Moidart (R); The Foursome Reel (R); The Reel of Tulloch (R).

Sans titre
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-1-40 · Pièce · 1999
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Instructions and music for ten Scottish Country Dances for young people and new dancers published by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, 1981:
A Reel for Jeannie (R); Cutty Sark (J); Nice to See You (R); Forth Bridge (J); 12 Coates Crescent (S); EH3 7AF (J); Rabbie's Reel (R); Airyhall Delight J); The Royal Deeside Railway (R); Simon's Dance (R) Delight (J);

Sans titre
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-1-50 · Pièce · June 2016
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Instructions and music for: The Spring Fling Reel (R); Les Remparts d Seville (J); There's Something about Thirty (S); 192 Miles Home (J); Tge Doonhammer Delight (R); Mathilde is a Delight (S); The Wandering Wallaby(J); Double Trouble Triangles (R); Shadow (J); A Trip to Applecross (J); Dancing Spirit (J); La Baratte your Way Home (R)

Sans titre
Bulletin No 10 October 1936
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-10 · Pièce · 1936
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Annual Report 1935 - 1936
Branch reports from the following: Aberdeen, Angus, Ayr, Clackmannanshire, Dundee, Western Dunbartonshire, Edinburgh, Fife, Glasgow, Hamilton, Inverness, London, Manchester, Newtown-Stewart, Perth, Renfrewshire, Stirlingshire, East Stirlingshire, Wigtown;
Reports from Affiliated Groups: Durban Caledonian Society, Fort-William Scottish Country Dance Club, Hartlepool Burns Club, Ilford Scottish Association, Jersey SCD Club, Leicester Scottish Dance Society, Manchester and Salford Caledonian Association, Sydney Scottish Country Dance Circle, St Andrews Society of Otago New Zealand, Paris ?Les Amis De La Danse Populaire ;
Answers to Correspondence;
Financial Report;
Summer School;
The Branle;
Autumn School notice.

Bulletin No 11 March 1937
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-11 · Pièce · 1937
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 14 November 1936;
Mrs Annie Shand;
Progress of the Society;
Scottish Country Dancing in Relation to Physical Fitness;
Autumn School at Glasgow;
The Rakes of Glasgow;
The Luadh
Names and Addresses of Office Bearers;
Terms of membership;
Summer School Notice and Application form.

Bulletin No. 12 October 1937
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-12 · Pièce · 1937
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Annual Report 1936 - 1937
Branch reports from the following: Aberdeen, Angus, Ayr, North Ayrshire, Clackmannanshire, Western Dunbartonshire, Edinburgh, Fife, Glasgow, Glen Kens, Hamilton, Inverness, Kirkcudbright, London, Manchester, Newtown-Stewart, Perth, Renfrewshire, Stirlingshire, East Stirlingshire, West Lothian, Wigtown;
Reports from Affiliated Groups: The Caledonian Society of France, Hartlepool Burns Club, Ilford Scottish Association, Leicester Scottish Dance Society, Manchester and Salford Caledonian Association, The Nottingham Scottish Country Dance Club, Portsmouth, St Andrews Society of Otago New Zealand, Shanghai Reel Club;
Scottish Country Dance Summer School 2nd-16th August;
Scottish Country Dancers in Brittany;
Scottish Country Dancing and television;
Gramophone Records.

Bulletin No. 13, March 1938
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-13 · Pièce · 1938
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 14 November 1936;
Lady Dorothes Ruggles-Brise;
Extracts from Overseas Correspondence;
Richmond Caledonian Society;
Autumn School at Aberdeen November 1937;
List of dance leaflets;
Names and Addresses of Office Bearers;
Terms of membership;
Summer School Notice and Application form.

Bulletin No. 26, October 1948
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-27 · Pièce · 1948
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
The Scottish Country Dance Society 1923-48;
Branch reports from Aberdeen, Angus, Ayr, Ayrshire North West, Bath, Belfast, Blair Atholl, Birmingham, Dumfries, Dunfermline Dundee, Edinburgh, Fort William, Glasgow, Hamilton and Clydesdale, Kirkcaldy, Leven, Lockerbie, London, Manchester, Motherwell, Nether Lochaber, Newton Stewart, Perth, Peterhead, Renfrewshire west, Rochdale, St Andrews, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire east, Southport, West Lothian, Wolverhampton;
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 15 November 1947;
The Summer School of 1948;
News from Overseas.

Bulletin No. 27 October 1949
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-28 · Pièce · 1949
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Branch reports from Aberdeen, Angus, Annan, Ayr, North Ayrshire, Banffshire, Bath and west of England, Belfast, Blair Atholl, Birmingham, Clackmannanshire, Dundee, Dunfermline Dumfries, Edinburgh, Fort William, Glasgow, Hamilton and Clydesdale, Inverness, Kirkcaldy, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Leven, Lockerbie, London, Manchester, Motherwell, Newton Stewart, Perth and Perthshire, Peterhead, Renfrewshire west, Rochdale, St Andrews, Southport, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire east, Stockport, Stonehaven, West Lothian, Wolverhampton;
Affiliated Groups: Airdrie, Alburne Knowe, Abernethy, Amersham and District Scottish Association, Angus, Bridge of Allan, Burnside, Caledonian Society Colombo, Comunn Dannsaidh an Obain, Comrie, Crieff Scottish Country Dance Club, Cumbrae, Dunblane, Essie and Nevay S.C.D. Class, Farelf Scottish Country Dancers (Singapore), Invergowrie, Kilmartin, Kippen, Kirriemuir Scottish Country Dance Club, Leamington and Warwick Caledonian Society S.C.D. Class, Leslie Scottish Country Dance Club, Leuchars W.R. Institute, Pitlochry Scottish Country Dance Club, Port William Country Dancing Class, Prestwick Scottish Country Dance Club, Richmond (Surrey) Caledonian Society, Rothes Old Time Dance Club, R.A.F. Officers S.C.D. Society of Seletar Singapore, Shanghai Reel Club, The Scots' Society of St Andrew, Slough and district S.C.D. Classes, Southampton Scottish Association, Stewartry (of Kirkcudbright) S.C.D. Association, Taynuilt Scottish Country Dancing Club, Tayside Scottish Country Dance Club;
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 30 October 1948;
The Festival of International Folk Music and Dance at Venice
An Impression of the Summer School 1949;
Note on the Development of the Society's Finances.

Bulletin No. 31, October 1953
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-32 · Pièce · 1953
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Branch reports from Aberdeen, Adelaide, Airdrie, Coatbridge and District, Angus, Annan, Ayr, Ayrshire North West, Bamffshire, Bath, Belfast, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Birmingham, Boston, Cape Town, Carlisle and Border, Castle Douglas, Clackmannanshire, Dumfries, Dunbartonshire west, Dundee, Dunfermline Duns, East Lothian, Ecclefechan, Edinburgh, Elgin, Forres, Fort William, Glasgow, Hamilton and Clydesdale, Inverness, Kilmarnock, Kirkcaldy, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Leven, Liverpool, Lockerbie, London, Lossiemouth, Manchester, Moffat, Nairn, Nether Lochaber, Newcastle and District, Newton Stewart, Peebles, Perth and Perthshire, Peterhead, Portrush, Renfrewshire west, Richmond, Rochdale, St Andrews, Southport, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire east, Stonehaven, Sydney (N.S.W.), West Lothian, Whitehead, Wigtown, Winchester, Wolverhampton;
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 1 November 1952;
The International Folk Music Council Festival, Biarritz-Pamplona 9-15 July 1953;
The Summer School of 1953.

Bulletin No. 32, October 1954
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-33 · Pièce · 1954
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Branch reports from Aberdeen, Adelaide, Airdrie, Coatbridge and District, Annan, Arbroath, Auchterarder, Ayr, Ayrshire North West, Bath, Belfast, Birmingham, Blair Atholl, Boston, Cape Town, Carlisle and Border, Carnoustie, Castle Douglas, Clackmannanshire, Dumfries, Dunbartonshire west, Dundee, Dunfermline Duns and District, East Lothian, East Surrey- West Kent, Ecclefechan, Edinburgh, Forfar, Forres, Friockheim, Gatehouse of Fleet, Glasgow, Hamilton and Clydesdale, Inverness, Kilmarnock, Kirkcaldy, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Leven, Liverpool, Lockerbie, London, Manchester, Moffat, Nairn, Newcastle and District, Newton Stewart, Peebles, Perth and Perthshire, Peterhead, Portrush, Renfrewshire west, Richmond, Rochdale, St Andrews, Southport, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire east, Stonehaven, West Lothian, Whitehead, Wigtown, Winchester, Wolverhampton;
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 31 October 1953;
The International Folklore Festival of Nice and Pescara 10-19 July 1954;
A Visit to Coll;
International Team Visit to Birmingham;
The Summer School of 1954;
Wearing of the Stole or Sash.

Bulletin No. 37 October 1959
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-38 · Pièce · 1959
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Branch reports from Aberdeen, Adelaide, Airdrie, Coatbridge and District, Annan, Arbroath, Auchterarder, Ayr, Ayrshire east, Ayrshire North West, Banffshire, Bath, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Birmingham, Boston, Callander and District, Cape Town, Carlisle and Border, Carnoustie, Castle Douglas, Cheltenham, Clackmannanshire, Derby, Dumfries, Dunbartonshire, Dundee, Dunfermline Duns and District, East Lothian, East Surrey- West Kent, Ecclefechan, Edinburgh, Elgin, Forfar, Forres, Fort William, Friockheim, Gatehouse of Fleet, Glasgow, Hamilton and Clydesdale, Hamilton Ontario, Inverness, Kilmarnock and District, Kinlochleven, Kirkcaldy, Ladysmith, Lanark, Leven, Liverpool, Lockerbie, London, Lorn Argyll, Manchester, Moffat, Montreal, Narin, Nether Lochaber, Newcastle Upon Tyne and District, Newton Stewart, N.W. Craven, Norwich, Nottingham, Peelbles, Perth and Perthshire, Peterhead, Renfrewshire west, Richmond, Rochdale, Roxburghshire, Sheffield, St Andrews, Southport, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire east, Stockport, Stonehaven, Sydney, Tee-Side, Toronto, West Lothian, Whitehead, Winchester, Wolverhampton;
Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 8 November 1958;
Bavarian Tour;
Summer School 1959;
Overseas Correspondence.

Bulletin No. 47, October 1969
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-48 · Pièce · 1969
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Annual Report;
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2 November 1968;
News from Branches including: Aberdeen, Ayr, Bath, Birmingham, Bristol, Castle Douglas, Cheltenham, Dumfries, Dunbartonshire West, Dundee, Dunfermline Edinburgh, Elgin, Forres, Glasgow, Herefordshire, Lanark, Leeds, Lockerbie, London, Lorn Argyll, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and District, Norwich, Nottingham, Perth and Perthshire, Peterhead, Southport, South Wales Branch, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire East, Tee-Side, Whitehead and Wolverhampton;
Overseas: Boston, The Hague District, Hamilton Ontario, Los Angeles, Montreal, Nairobi, New York, Toronto, Vancouver.
Reflections on the Summer School 1969;

Bulletin No. 68, October 1990
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-69 · Pièce · 1990
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Annual Report, list of branches and affiliated groups
Branch reports from the following: Aberdeen, Annan, Ayr, Ayrshire North West, Banffshire, Bath, Bedfordshire, Belfast, Becks/Hants/Surrey Border, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bramhall, Bristol, Cambridge & District, Carlisle & Border, Carnoustie, Castle Douglas & District, Cheltenham, Cheshire, Clackmannanshire, Cornwall, Croydon & District, Doncaster & District, Dumfries, Dunbartonshire West, Dundee, Dunfermline, Duns & District, East Angus, East Lothian, Edinburgh, Exeter, Forfar, Forres, Gatehouse-of-Fleet, Glasgow, Hamilton & Clydesdale, Herefordshire, Inverness, Isle of Islay, Isle of Skye, Kilmarnock, Kirkcaldy, Kickcudbright, Lanark, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Lochaber, Lockerbie, London, Lorn (Argyll), Manchester, Mid-Argyll, Mid-Somerset, Milton Keynes, Molfat, Monklands, Newcastle & District, North West Craven, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxfordshire, Perth & Perthshire, Peterborough & District, Peterhead, Portrush, Renfrewshire West, Richmond, Rochdale, Roxborough, Selkirk & Peebles, Royal Leamington Spa, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Sheffield, South Argyll, Southport, South Wales, St Andrews, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire East, Stonehaven, Stranraer, Sutton Coldfield, Teesside, West Lothian, Whitehead, Winchester, Wirral, Wolverhampton, Worthing, York & North Humberside;
Overseas branch reports: Adelaide, Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo New York, Burlington, Calgary, Canberra & District, Cape Town, Central Kentucky, Chicago, Cincinnati, Delaware Valley, Delft, Detroit, Florida North, Florida South, Gothenburg, The Hague, Hamilton (Ontario), Hawaii, Houston & District, Hunter Valley, Johannesburg, Kingston (Ontario), Kitchener Waterloo, London (Ontario), Los Angeles, Melbourne & District, Montreal, Mornington Peninsula, Nairobi, New Mexico, New York, New-Zealand, Northern Virginia, Nova Scotia, Orange County, Ottawa, Paris, Phoenix, Pretoria, Portland, Regina, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Gabriel Valley, South East Queensland, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Twin Cities, Vancouver, Victoria BC, Washington DC, Western Australia, Windsor (Ontario), Winnipeg, Teachers Association (Canada);
?An Open Letter to Affiliated Clubs? ? public liability insurance;
?The Role of the Senior Teacher in the RSCDS?
?How Do You Do??? instructions for The Isle, The Golden Pheasant and Miss Hadden?s Reel;
?Pianists Course 1990?
?The Story of the Origin of the Dance ? ?The Laird of Milton?s Daughter? ?;
?British Faeroe Week 1990 To Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Lank=ding of British Troops?
?All the fun of St Andrews Fair?
?The Ding-a-ling at the Skyline?
?Cakes I have Cut? ? members birthday celebrations;
Annual General Meeting 4/11/1989
Obituaries: Graeme Butcher, Ruby Watson, J. Mclellan

Bulletin No. 69, October 1991
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-70 · Pièce · 1991
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Annual Report 1991;
Branch reports from the following: Aberdeen, Annan, Ayr, Ayrshire North West, Banffshire, Bath, Bedfordshire, Belfast, Becks/Hants/Surrey Border, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bramhall, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge & District, Carlisle & Border, Castle Douglas & District, Cheltenham, Cheshire, Clackmannanshire, Cornwall, Croydon & District, Doncaster & District, Dumfries, Dunbartonshire West, Dundee, Dunfermline, Duns & District, East Lothian, Edinburgh, Exeter, Forfar, Forres, Gatehouse-of-Fleet, Glasgow, Hamilton & Clydesdale, Herefordshire, Inverness, Isle of Islay, Isle of Skye, Kilmarnock, Kirkcaldy, Kickcudbright, Lanark, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Lochaber, Lockerbie, London, Lorn (Argyll), Manchester, Mid-Argyll, Mid-Somerset, Milton Keynes, Molfat, Monklands, Newcastle Upon Tyne, North West Craven, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxfordshire, Perth & Perthshire, Peterborough & District, Peterhead, Portrush, Renfrewshire West, Richmond, Rochdale, Royal Leamington Spa, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Roxborough, Selkirk & Peebles, Sheffield, South Argyll, Southport, South Wales, Stirlingshire, Stirlingshire East, Stonehaven, Stranraer, Sutton Coldfield, Teesside, West Lothian, Whitehead, Winchester, Wirral, Wolverhampton, Worthing, York & North Humberside;
Overseas branch reports: Adelaide, Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo New York, Burlington, Calgary, Canberra & District, Central Kentucky, Chicago, Cincinnati, Delaware Valley, Delft, Detroit, Florida South, Gothenburg, The Hague, Hamilton (Ontario), Hawaii, Houston & District, Hunter Valley, Kingston (Ontario), Kitchener Waterloo, London (Ontario), Los Angeles, Medicine Hat, Melbourne & District, Mornington Peninsula, Nairobi, New Mexico, New York, New-Zealand, Northern Virginia, Nova Scotia, Orange County, Orlando, Ottawa, Paris, Phoenix, Pretoria, Portland, St Catherines, St Johns Newfoundland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Gabriel Valley, Seattle, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria BC, Vienna, Washington DC, Western Australia, Windsor (Ontario), Winnipeg, Teachers Association (Canada);
Summer School 1991;
Annual General Meeting 3/11/1990;
Obituaries: E.T. Forde Spence MBE, William Bill Cross, Marjorie L.R. Franklin

Bulletin No. 74, October 1996
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-1-75 · Pièce · 1996
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Contents include:
Foreword by Chairman;
Spotlight of the Year;
A Word from the Secretary;
Annual Report;
Standing Committees;
Future Events;
Day, Weekend and other Schools,
Anniversary Branch Reports from the following: Kilmarnock and District, West Lothian, Birmingham, Belfast, Southport, Wolverhampton, Tucson.
Records Breakers;
A Dip into the Archive;
Teaching Tout of Southern Africa;
Young Scottish Dancers Association;
Jean Milligan Memorial Fund;
1998 Contingency Fund;
Branch Secretaries;
Affiliated Group Secretaries;
Obituaries: George Iain 10th Duke of Atholl, Dr William Blane Adam, Nancy Kate Allibon, Mary (May) Collie, James B. Cosh, Isobel Cramb; Jean Forsythe (Gillespie) London, Peg McAulay, Barbara Paris, Barry Priddy, Alexander Murray Stephen, William Stoddart.

Scottish Country Dancer No. 8 April 2009
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-2-8 · Pièce · 2009
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

News from Coates Crescent 4 Changes and developments at Headquarters
From the Chair and Management Committees 5 News and comment from Alex Gray and the Convenors
How can we improve? 8 An analysis of the members’ survey
AGM and Conference Weekend 11 The Homecoming 12 The RSCDS and the whole of Scotland celebrate Robert Burns’ 250th Anniversary
Dance Scottish Week 14 Looking back at 2008 and forward to this year’s event
Interview with Sinclair Barbour 16 Jimmie Hill meets the inspiration behind a successful team of young dancers
CeilidhKids 19 From around the world 20 Reports from our regional correspondents
In my opinion 23 Angela Bulteel (Ribble Valley Branch) gives her view from the dance floor
Scottish country dancing and health 24 You know it’s good for you, and here’s the proof
Overheard on the Web 25 Chris Ronald reports back from cyberspace
Reviews 26 Recent CD releases reviewed by RSCDS members
Obituaries 27 Letters to the Editor  28 Day School Diary

GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-2-13 · Pièce · 2011
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

News from Coates Crescent 4 The latest news and information from Headquarters From the Chair and Management Committees 6 Ruth, Bill and Di bring you up to date Youth 8 The Society is involving more young people in SCD Summer School, St Andrews 10 Summer School celebrates 80 years TAC Summer School 11 Summer School, North American style The Archive 12 Marilyn Healy on how you can access this treasure trove A Week in the Life of a Branch Secretary 13 Nicola Scott (Birmingham) has a busy seven days Interview with Lesley Martin 14 Helen Beaney talks to a renowned stalwart of the Society News in pictures 16 Images from around the world of Scottish country dance and music From around the world 18 Reports from our regional correspondents Notes on MCing 21 Bill Zobel offers some helpful advice Lord James’ Cabinet 22 Jimmie Hill and Bill Clement uncover the original M a d g e W i l d f i r e In my opinion 24 Bob Grant argues that a diamond should be for ever Overheard on the Web 25 Chris Ronald picks out some nuggets from cyberspace Letters to the Editor 26 Reviews 27 RSCDS members write about some recent recordings and publications Obituaries 28 Day school diary 29

GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-2-15 · Pièce · 2012
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

News from Coates Crescent 4 Elspeth Gray updates us on happenings at HQ From the Chair 5 Ruth Beattie looks back over her years as Chairman From the Management Committees 6 It’s been a busy and productive time Music and New Media Development 7 David Cunningham outlines new video and digital music resources Youth 8 Some new and creative children’s events Perspectives on Summer School 9 St Andrews from the viewpoints of a scholarship winner and a new teacher From the Archive 10 Marilyn Healy finds some answers and asks more intriguing questions TAC Summer School 12 Katherine Shearman describes an action-packed week News from the Paris and Vienna Branches 13 Manchester Scots’ Night 14 An annual concert which brought the Scots of Manchester together Scottish National Dance Company 15 An account of a remarkably enterprising and successful group Diamond Jubilee in Dance 16 Branches far and wide celebrate the Jubilee Branch Anniversaries and News in Pictures 17 Interview with Ron Wallace 18 Ron shares thoughts and experiences from a long and rich career Méaudre Reel Strikes Again 20 Gay Gordons, Ian Who?, Kingston Branch 21 From around the World 22 Our correspondents report on events in their areas Overheard on the Web 25 Chris Ronald checks in after another journey through cyberspace Reviews 26 Letters to the Editor 27 A new dance, two older dances, and older dances generally Obituaries 28 Day School Diary

GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-2-19 · Pièce · 2014
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

News from Coates Crescent 4 From the Chair 6 Committee Reports Young Dancers’ Page 8 The Archive Development Project 9 Great things are happening in the depths of 12 Coates Crescent Interview with Elspeth Gray 10 Jimmie Hill talks to retiring Membership Secretary Elspeth Gray Elspeth Gray – As Ithers See Her 11 Shedding New Light on the Origins 12 of the Strathspey Will Lamb’s research challenges accepted ideas The Imperial Book 13 Mervyn Short explains this republished book of dances Dancing at the Games 14 Young members perform in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Learn Scottish Country Dancing – By YouTube 15 How to make effective dance videos Lady Mary MacTier of Flinders Island Ceilidh round the Commonwealth 16 On 21 June, SCD encircled the world Interview with Jennifer Wilson 18 Stories of a life steeped in music and dance From around the World 21 Overheard on the Web 26 Letters to the Editor 27 Reviews 28 Obituaries 29 Lisbon Musicians’ Workshop Day School Diary

Sans titre
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-2-24 · Pièce · April 2017
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

New Society President 3 News from Coates Crescent 4 From the Chairman 6 Education and Training Committee 6 Youth Services Committee 7 Membership Services Committee 7 From around the World 8 Mrs Elma McCausland MBE 11 Mrs Mary Ross BEM 11 Belfast Branch 11 Kilmarnock and District Branch 12 Birmingham Branch 12 The Stooshie 13 The AGM from a French Perspective 13 Nathaniel Gow’s Dance Band 14 The Society in Pictures 16 Tribute to Alastair Aitkenhead 18 Focus on Technique 20 In my Opinion 20 Spotlight on Iberia 21 Young Dancers’ Page 22 Global Youth Week 23 Scottish Schools 24 Edinburgh Branch in Barcelona 25 Summer School Social Class 26 Letters to the Editor 27 Reviews 28 Sadly Missed 29 Day School Diary 30

Sans titre
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-2-2-29 · Pièce · October 2019
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

RSCDS Events 2
News from Coates Crescent 4
Chairman and Convenors’ Reports 6
Born into the Society - Jeanette McSporran 8
In My Opinion - Antoine Rousseau 11
Country Dance News 12
The Aberdeen Festival 15
Spring Fling 16
Summer School 17
Branch Anniversaries 18
Beginners in Sydney 20
Young Dancers 21
Dancing Around the World 22
Letters to the Editor 26
Reviews 28
Sadly Missed 29
Day School Diary 30
More News 30

Sans titre
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-1-5 · Pièce · c. 1930
Fait partie de Ysobel Stewart Papers

Blantyre Farm 19 August 1800. A List of Country dances according to Mr William Seymore from Killbride which he teached to Blantyre farm, above date'.
Contents: Common Figure, Swallow Fife Hunt, The Heather, Stewarton Lasses, Cause he was a bony lad, Duke of Perth, Princess Royal, The Faicket, The Widows, Greigs Pipes, Haymakin, Lord MacDonalds Reel, Jenny Nettles, Lord Lennon Love to Blantyre, Blantyre Lasses, Cameron's got his knife again, Lord Dalhonses', Tibby Fowler, Miss Sinclair, The Deal Among the Tailors, Kemptshott Hunt, Soldires Joy, Had The Lass, Gibraltar Rocks, Duke of Argyll, Fire Ship or New Rigged Ship, Common Cotillion or French Cotillion, Eightsome Reel, Another 8 Reel, The Bounky, James Coats Juniors, country dance.

Florence Adams Papers
RSCDS-FA · Collection · 1909-1997

This collection contains notebooks, correspondence, speeches and photographs of Florence Adams

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