- GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1
- Sub Series
- 1923-2017
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Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Correspondence relating to changes to the constitution and rules
Queensland Branch Oral History Interviews
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Audio recordings of interviews with three members of Queensland Branch
Brian Hacker
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Booklets and Leaflets giving instructions for Scottish Country Dances. Some have music notation included. The booklets are in the main produced by Branches and Groups or individuals and have been privately published.
Archivist RSCDS
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Books containing material relating to Dance and Dancing. Booklets containing descriptions of Country dances (with or without music).
Archivist RSCDS
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Aberdeen Branch Minutes - 1925-1945 Photocopies
Aberdeen Branch correspondence various 1956-2000
Includes Newspaper cuttings and photos:
1935-36 Aberdeen Press and Journal report on Aberdeen SCDS Festival. JCM comment on the dancing standard.
Evening Express 20/5/74 Report on Aberdeen RSCDS winning team at Edinburgh Music Festival. Includes photo of the team and pen sketches of each team member.
Buchan Observer 17/12/91: Photo of children St Fergus school who took part in an “Hour of Dance” organised by Peterhead Branch RSCDS.
Aberdeen Branch
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Minutes of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
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Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Recordings: Branch events; Summer School activities; Informative and Instructional
Records of Morningside SCD Group
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Administrative and social records from 1952 - 2006. Includes: Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting and Committee Meetings, Correspondence, Annual Accounts, Cash Books, Constitution and Rules, Dance Programmes, nominal rolls of members
Morningside Scottish Country Dance Club
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Branch Correspondence
Audio Reel to Reel Tapes Music and Spoken Word
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Tapes contain recordings of music by various musicians with some live recordings
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Miscellaneous John Drewry Photos
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Various photographs which include John Drewry as the main subject
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
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1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
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1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
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Minute Books: 1960-61; 1961-62; 1963-70
Correspondence of the Scottish Country dance Association of East Africa (1949-1957 and of Nairobi Branch (1957-1994)
Correspondence relating to “The City of Nairobi Reel”
Press cuttings of SCD Ball 1955
Press report on Festival of Scottish Country Dancing 1987
Photographs (no i.d) of school teams at the Festival of SCD 1987
Photograph of Evening Ball (no i.d.) 1987
Chairman's Report for the year 1991/1992
Nairobi Branch
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1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
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1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
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Edinburgh Military Tattoo 1951,1956, 1995; 1996
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RSCDS Archivist
Papers relating to other oganisations 1941-1975
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Correspondence and documents
Berks, Hants and Surrey Border Branch Records
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Branch correspondence various dates from 1977 - 1997 and "Bonnie Anne" or "The Royal Child" Dance instruction sheet (3 copies).RSCDS Berks Hants Surrey Constitution, Annual Report of RSCDS Berks Hants Surrey Branch 1995-1995. 2000 Branch Report.
Includes correspondence related to the Branch formation.
Berks Hants Surrey Branch
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1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box.
Archivist RSCDS
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1 Box: Ribble Valley RSCDS Branch Newsbrief Christmas Edition Issue Number 9 .2002.
Digital Newsletter No.68, November 2023 added to the Digital Repository SCD-11-114
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence 1972-1993. & RSCDS Rochdale Branch Autumn Newsletter 1992, Golden Jubilee Year 1943-1993.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Roxburghshire (Selkirk & Peebles) Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence 1957-1993. & Colour photo.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Royal Leamington Spa Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence 1961-1993 & 2000 Branch Report.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Royal Tunbridge Wells Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence 1976-1993 & 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Tunbridge Wells Newsletter No.2., RSCDS Tunbridge Wells Branch News July 1992.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence 1976-1994 & 2000 Branch Report, Black and White Photo of Sacramento dancers.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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Correspondence relating to the Award of the Society's Scroll of Honour 1981-85, 1987, 1990, 1992-94, 2006-2008, 2010
Archivist RSCDS
Music on Compact Discs Published by the RSCDS
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Music to accompany dances published by the RSCDS in their various books and leaflets
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Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box & 1 Folder. : Correspondence 1973-2003. RSCDS San Diego Branch Bylaws, 2000 Branch Report, 2018 Branch Report,
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box & : Correspondence 1976-1993. 2000 Branch Report.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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Committee Minute Book 1925-1963 (includes the minute of the inaugural meeting establishing Greenock (later Renfrewshire) Branch 1925. Includes details of Office Bearers 1925-1962; List of Life Members to 1961
Branch Papers 1969-1994 - Includes a member's recollections of attendance at Summer School (1987)
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box. Correspondence: 1975-1987
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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Committee Minute Book 1925-1963 (includes the minute of the inaugural meeting establishing Greenock (later Renfrewshire) Branch 1925. Includes details of Office Bearers 1925-1962; List of Life Members to 1961
Branch Papers 1969-1994 - Includes a member's recollections of attendance at Summer School (1987)
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Correspondence -1975-1994, RSCDS Pretoria Branch Chairman's Report 1993,RSCDS Pretoria Branch Chairman's Report 1992, RSCDS Pretoria Branch Constitution,
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General correspondence including that relating to the branch formation. Photograph taken at 50th anniversary celebrations (no details, but includes Alan Mair). Branch report 2000. In a separate folder : Branch History 1952-2015. This contains photographs of branch events and functions. Also included dance video recording;CD containing audio recordings and photographs made at an Archive meeting 2015; copy of dances devised for 40th anniversary; news letters 1982-1999
Richmond Branch
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1st Box: General correspondence:1976-1984, Minutes of AGM RSCDS South East Queensland Branch 9th June 1984, Minutes of the Sixth Annual General Meeting of the RSCDS South East Queensland Branch 11th June 1983, Minutes of the Fifth Annual General Meeting of the RSCDS South East Queensland Branch 12th June 1982, Minutes of the Fourth Annual General Meeting of the RSCDS South East Queensland Branch 11th July 1981, RSCDS Fifth Australian Winter School 11th-18th May, 1980, Toowoomba, Queensland Programme & After Event Report, Minutes of the Third Annual General Meeting of the RSCDS South East Queensland Branch 26th July 1980.
2nd Box: General Correspondence 1985-2000 & Paper file with Correspondence included), 2000 Branch Report, AGM Minutes South East Queensland Branch 9th May 1993, AGM South East Queensland Branch Minutes 15th May 1994, RSCDS S.E. Queensland Branch Constitution, AGM South East Queensland Branch Minutes 10th June 1989,AGM South East Queensland Branch Minutes 30th April 1988,AGM South East Queensland Branch Minutes 11th July 1987, AGM South East Queensland Branch Minutes 4th May 1985 & Colour photo of RSDCS Dancing group.
Richmond Branch
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Branch correspondence various dates from 1960-1997
2000 Branch Report.
RSCDS Birmingham Branch Newsletter Autumn 1995.
Birmingham Branch Report as of 31st May 1996.
RSCDS Birmingham Constitution.
RSCDS Birmingham s submitted a dance "Furth O' Clyde" Dance Instruction sheet.
International Folk Dance Festival 13th-15th September 1981 Report by RSCDS Birmingham Branch.
Includes photographs of Branch’s 75th Anniversary Ball. One photograph is of the then Chairman and Vice-Chairman Fiona Mitchell and Mark Lewis, taken 31/3/98 at the Shirley Community Centre, Solihull
Birmingham Branch
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Nothing deposited.
RSCDS Archvist
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Committee minute Book 1932-1956
Committee minute Book 1956-1975
Committee Minute Book 1976-1991
Cash Book 1925-1952
Correspondence 1951-1996
Perth Branch
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1 Box. Correspondence 1955-2005, RSCDS Sheffield Annual Report & Colour photo of dancers, Colour photo of Sheffield Branch Committee with Stuart Adams & Chairs and founder members of RSCDS Sheffield at the 50th Anniversary Ball 3rd December 2005.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box. Correspondence 1985-1994 and 2000 Branch Report and Envelope with Black and White photo of dancers approx 1950's. and photocopy of Article on "Celebrating Scott Skinner", "Fifteen Scottish Country Dances" by James B. Cosh booklet, and A Scottish Dance Holiday programme 27th May-1st June 2001, "The Auld Grey Cat" Dance instruction sheet, "The Kinclaven Pocket Book of Six Scottish Country Dances by Douglas Henderson (dance instructions) and newspaper cutting September 27th 1977 dance display at Bedford College of Higher Education.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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Correspondence: 1967-1994. RSCDS South Wales Constitution and Bylaws. RSCDS South Wales Newsletter No. 32, RSCDS South Wales Newsletter December 2007
RSCDS Archvist
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1 Box
RSCDS Archvist
St. Catharine's Branch Records
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1 Box
RSCDS Archvist
St John's (Newfoundland) Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence 1991-1993, Minutes of RSCDS St. John's AGM 13th May 1991 and RSCDS St. John's (Newfoundland) Constitution and Rules.
RSCDS Archvist
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Committee Minute Book 1952-1974 Includes a membership list 1953-1957
Committee Minute Book 1974-1987 Includes a membership list 1982-1987
Committee Minute Book 1987- 1997 Includes a membership list 1987-1996
Notepad dated 1951 General notes related to members' purchase; accommodation for events; lists of members attending events; some meetings notes.
Correspondence for 1951-2013 Includes correspondence related to the formation and disbandment of the Branch. 2000 Branch Report.
Portrush Branch
St Andrews Branch (East of Fife) Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence : 1971-1994, RSCDS St. Andrews Branch Constitution and Rules, Black and White photo of St. Andrews Branch Golden Jubilee Dinner at Rusacks Hotel on Saturday 7th November 1987 and Colour photo of Presentation of a painting to David Gibbs with wife Ann and Committee Members 22/3/02.
RSCDS Archvist
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Correspondence and documents relating to 12 Coates Crescent
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Branch correspondence various dates from 1964 to 1997
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch
Two undated photographs of Branch’s junior Section at a New Year Charity Dance
Undated photograph of dancers at a day school
Bournemouth Branch
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1 Box: Correspondence : 1962-1993.
Minute Book.
Photocopy of First AGM RSCDS Stirlingshire September 24th 1928, Booklet of "Miss Jarvis's Reel A Scottish Country Dance Devised by the Demonstration Team of the Stirlingshire Branch RSCDS." RSCDS Stirlingshire Diamond Jubilee Dinner Dance, Friday 20th March 1987 leaflet, Colour photo of RSCDS Stirling 75th Anniversary Ball 19th April 2002 and Newspaper cutting of Stirling News as 14th June 1990 RSCDS Stirling honoured two long serving members Mrs Rachel Prentice and Mr Jim Taylor.
RSCDS Archvist
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1 Box: Correspondence: 1976-1994. Constitution and Rules, Secretary's Report for 1980-1981, RSCDS Stockholm Branch 17th Annual General Meeting 18th September 1992 Agenda ,RSCDS Stockholm Branch 18th Annual General Meeting 17th September 1993 Agenda, RSCDS Stockholm Branch 14th Annual General Meeting 15th September 1989 Agenda, AGM Minutes,Colour photo of RSCDS Stockholm, Sweden celebrating it's 25th Anniversary, May 2001 and Black and White Group photo of RSCDS Stockholm.
RSCDS Archvist
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1 Box: Correspondence: 1973-1983.
RSCDS Archvist
Stranraer and District Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence: 1959-1994. Newspaper article Wigtown Free Press 24th May 1984.
RSCDS Archvist
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1 Box: Correspondence: May 1991-November 1991
RSCDS Sydney Branch Constitution
RSCDS Archvist
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1 box-Correspondence:1952-. Report 1957, 1958 and Colour photo of group seated at RSCDS Sydney Branch sixth Australian Winter School.
RSCDS Archvist
T.A.C. Teachers Association Canada Branch Records
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1 box-Correspondence_ 1952-. Report 1957, 1958 and Colour photo of group seated at RSCDS Sydney Branch sixth Australian Winter School.
RSCDS Archvist
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Correspondence: 1983-1997. includes 1997 & 2000 Branch Report, Constitution ,1995 Classes and Event booklet, Flowers of Edinburgh dance instructions and 2 colour photos of RSCDS Tokai Branch Foundation Party Congratulations cake 31st May 1997 and the Secretary, Chairman and Treasurer cutting the cake.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 box . Correspondence:1955 -2003 includes 1996 & 2002 Accounts, 1999,2000 & 2002 Annual Branch Reports, 1999/2000 & 2001 Secretary's Report, RSCDS Teesside Branch history, Licence Agreement between RSCDS and RSCDS Teesside Branch Constitution and Life Members list 1996.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence: -1982-1997, includes RSCDS Tokyo branch Constitution, RSCDS Tokyo branch Accounts 1996, 1997 Japanese magazine, RSCDS Tokyo Branch Annual Ball 1993 Programme including 3 stamps of Scotsmen in America Scotland on Stamps V): John Paul Jones, Andrew Carnegie and John Muir & RSCDS Tokyo Branch Annual Ball 1994 Programme including stamps Bicenntennial of Arrival of Scottish Settlers at Pictou, Nova Scotia (Scotland on Stamps VI), RSCDS Tokyo Branch Life Members list 1993 ,1980 Tokyo Scottish Dancers Volume 1 Booklet. Colour photos: Tokyo Scottish Dance Club Spring Party 22nd March 1987, Tokyo Scottish Dance Club Spring Party 23rd March 1986, Tokyo Branch Training Camp at the Saitama Sports Centre 15th February 1987, RSCDS Tokyo 20th Club Anniversary 6th March 1983, RSCDS Tokyo Branch September 1989, September 1989 Class Social gathering.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Correspondence Relating to the RSCDS Archive
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Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Box 1: Branch correspondence various dates from 1953 - 1983, Boston Branch Annual Report 1979-1980
Boston Branch Newsletter "The Tartan Times" No. 3 January 1976, "Tartan times" No.2 . November 1982"Tartan times" No. 3. January 1982, "Tartan times "No. 5. June 1982,"Tartan times "No.4. April 1983", Tartan times "No2. November 1983, "Tartan times "No.4. April 1983", Tartan times "No.3. January 1983" " Pinewoods Post Script" November 1977,
Programme and Booklet for New Hampshire Gathering of Scottish Clans, 1978
Box 2: Correspondence from: 1984-2000
"The Teachers' Newsletter" Published for area teachers by the Boston Branch, RSCDS. Vol. 2, No. 3. Spring 1985
"Scottish Dancing in New England" June 1997
Programmes for Annual Highland Balls
Photographs (annotated) of Branch Ball 1992 and Highland Ball 1992.
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
2 Boxes. 1st Box is: 1957-1994 includes: Correspondence: 1957-1993 . "Scottish Country Dances A Centennial Collection" booklet, Accounts 1987/1988, Photocopy of Newspaper article the Toronto Star 25th January 1988 "Burns and rich culture of Scotland offer something special to all of us, Life Members List 1980/1981, 1978 Scottish World Festival Tattoo programme and photocopy of newspaper article and Constitution.
2nd Box: 1994-1997. Correspondence: RSCDS Toronto Constitution, Extract from Toronto Branch Newsletter April 1997, Secretary's Report - 39th Annual General Meeting Saturday 26th April 1997,Dancing in The Park May 27th-24th June 1997 Programme, RSCDS Toronton Branch Licence Agreement, RSCDS Toronto Branch Report 31st May 1996, RSCDS Toronto Branch Accounts 31st March 1995 and Auditors Report 1995.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box. nothing deposited
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Sutton Coalfield Branch Records
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Sutton Coalfield Branch (established 1982) correspondence various dates from 1982
correspondence relating to the Sutton Coalfield Scottish Country Dance Society (Branch progenitor): Constitution, Minutes, Balance sheet for 1981, Membership Card for 1981, programmes for Scottish Ball, 1981, Christmas and Summer Social Dances 1981,Extracts from AGM Minutes 1981.
Correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch.
Correspondence relating to records produced by the Branch
Very brief Branch History submitted by Carol Anderson 2015. Includes 2 unidentified photographs of branch dance a 1 photograph of a demonstration team with details.
RSCDS Sutton Coldfield Branch history and 3 black and white photos photocopies.
Copy of a programme for “A Scottish Ball” organised by Sutton Coalfield SCDS APRIL 13TH 1962
Sutton Coalfield Branch
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1 Box: Correspondence: 1974-1994 includes RSCDS Twin Cities Directory 1990, RSCDS Twin Cities 15th Anniversay Ball Programme November 10th 1990, RSCDS Twin Cities 10th Anniversay Ball Programme 9th November 1985, AGM Minutes 17th May 1985, RSCDS Twin Cities Constitution, RSCDS Twin Citites Newsletter July1977, Volume 1.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence:-1960-1993 . includes 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Vancouver Constitution, Newspaper article cutting 25th April 1988, Drummond Cavers of Burnaby set Guinness World Record for the largest Scottish Country Dance, RSCDS Vancouver Branch Committee of Management 1985-1986,RSCDS Vancouver Branch Committee of Management 1983/1984, RSCDS Membership list 1970-1971 & " A Submission concerning a Five Year Strategic Plan for the RSCDS Submitted by the Vancouver RSCDS Branch 20th February 1998 " bound booklet.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence:-1972 - 1994. RSCDS Victoria Branch Newsletter May 2012, RSCDS Victoria Branch Newsletter June 2012, 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Victoria Branch Constitution, Newspaper article photocopy from 14th April 1973, RSCDS Victoria 50th Anniversary Annual Ball & Programme, Secretary's Report April 1974, RSCDS Victoria Branch Constitution, RSCDS Victoria Branch Newsletter 1973 and newspaper article "Country Dances of Scotland Alive and Well" from The Daily Colonist 29th October 1972.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence:-1989- 1993. 2000 Branch Report, Accounts 1990-1993, RSCDS Vienna Branch Report for 1991/1992. RSCDS Vienna Branch Constitution.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Washington D.C. Branch Records
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box: Correspondence:- 1968-1994. 2000 Branch Report, Comments on items to be discussed at the Society's Annual General Meeting for 1990, RSCDS Washington D.C. Constitution, Membership list 1976, 3 black and white photos of RSCDS Washington dancers at Virginia Highland Games.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
Western Australia Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence:--1976-1994 . Newsletter "The Postie's Jig" Volume 13, No 1, Summer 1982, "Posties's Jig" Newsletter October 1976, "Posties's Jig" Newsletter 7th March 1977, 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Western Australia Constitution, Proposal to amend Constitution and Rules and Colour photo of Miss Jean Milligan , Perth, Western Australia, 1974.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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1 Box: Correspondence: 1953-2004.RSCDS Whitehead Constitution, RSCDS Whitehead Licence Agreement between RSCDS and RSCDS Whitehead Branch, 1996 Branch Report, 1997 Branch Report, 1998 Branch Report, 1999 Branch Report, 2000 Branch Report, 2002 Branch Report, 2001 Secretary's Report Form.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist
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Branch correspondence various dates from 1991-2000. 2000 Branch Report.
Accounts 1996, 1997.
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch.
Brighton Branch
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1 Box: Correspondence 1951-1994, RSCDS Winchester Branch Committee Minutes 2006-2011, RSCDS Winchester Branch AGM Minutes 1987-2001, Secretary's Report for 1992/1993, Secretary's Report for 1992, Winchester Branch Committee Minutes 1984-2005,.
Windsor Ontario Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence 1975-1994. RSCDS Windsor Ontario Branch April 1985 Newsletter, AGM Minutes May 30th 1984, Chairman's Report May 25th, 1983, AGM Minutes May 25th, 1983, RSCDS Windsor Ontario Constitution and Byelaws, RSCDS Windsor Ontario Newsletter January 1982, Colour photo of RSCDS Windsor Ontario Branch Demonstration Team dancing in the grounds of Hiram Walker & Sons, Windsor, Ontario.
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box: Correspondence -1983-1993. Photo of Chairman's Badge of Office., RSCDS Wirral Branch Newsletter August 1985, Black and White photo of RSCDS Wirral Branch with Wallasey Scottish Country Dance Group (Affiliated) and RSCDS Wirral Branch 10th Birthday Dance Programme which contains a brief history of the Branch.
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box: Correspondence: 1972 -1992.
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
1 Box: Correspondence:1952- 1994. RSCDS Wolverhampton Branch Third Annual Report 1978-1979. RSCDS Wolverhampton Bramch 28th Annual Report 1973/74
York and North Humberside Branch Records
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1 Box: Correspondence: 1993. RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Annual Report, RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Secretary's Report 1991/1992, RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Seventh Annual General Meeting Agenda & Minutes of 17th March 1984, RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Minutes of the Eighth Annual General Meeting on 17th March 1984, RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Sixth Annual General Meeting Minutes of 20th March 1981, RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Minutes of the Fourth Annual General Meeting on 15th March 1980, RSCDS York and North Humberside Branch Second Annual General Meeting Minutes of 18th March 1978 and Dance instructions for "Homage" a dance devised by a Branch member and Dance instruction sheets.
Fait partie de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Branch correspondence various dates from 1961-1993
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch
Bristol Branch
Correspondence related to Recorded Music Performance
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Correspondence with: Phonographic Performance Ltd; Performing Rights Society; Mechanical Copyright Protection Society Ltd., relating to Licensing, Royalties, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Disputes.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minutes of the Management Board
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Final approved minutes of the Management Board meetings 2002-2014
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
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Branch correspondence various dates from 1963 - 1993.
Colour photo of group cutting cake. RSCDS Bramhall Annual Dance Feb 29th 1992, Anniversary 29 years.
Bulletin 1992.
Includes correspondence relating to the branch formation, Membership Lists
Bramhall Branch
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Winnipeg Branch (established 1963) correspondence various dates from 1962-2003, 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Winnipeg Annual Report- June 1992. RSCDS Winnipeg Chaiman's Report 1990, Publicity Report for 1989-1990,Teacher's Committee Report 1989/1990, Vice-Chairman's Report 1990, Demonstration Secretary's Report 1989-1990 Season, RSCDS Winnipeg AGM 23rd May 1989, "Mug Pub Recipes" Booklet,
Group photograph taken at 40th Anniversary dance 030583.
RSCDS Winnipeg Branch Committee Reports 1984-1985, RSCDS Winnipeg AGM Minutes, 6th June 1981, RSCDS Winnipeg Constitution, RSCDS Winnipeg AGM Minutes of 7th May 1973, Brief History of RSCDS Winnipeg Branch,
Spiral bound notebook containing copies of various committee meetings of the Branch and its predecessor the Winnipeg Scottish Country Dance Society 1957-1966
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Committee Minute Book 1936-1949 Includes membership lists for that period.
Correspondence various dates from 1952-1994
West Lothian Branch
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Correspondence:1978-1985. 2000 Branch Report. Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch from the Affiliated group. Gives a list of founding members.
Buffalo Scottish Country Dance Group Newsletter Nov.1977,
Correspondence relating to acceptance of a non RSCDS qualification in lieu of the Preliminary Certificate: Mrs Mary McCreadie 30/5/80. Programme for Clarence Summer Music Festival 7/7/85 and press cutting relating to the Branch Participation. Programme lists the dances demonstrated. Correspondence relating to the event.
Buffalo Branch
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Minutes of committee meetings 1950-1976; 1976-1980
Book 1 contains details of Branch Committees 1951-1962 and membership numbers 1950-1977
Airdrie and Coatbridge Branch