Aberdeen Branch Minutes - 1925-1945 Photocopies
Aberdeen Branch correspondence various 1956-2000
Includes Newspaper cuttings and photos:
1935-36 Aberdeen Press and Journal report on Aberdeen SCDS Festival. JCM comment on the dancing standard.
Evening Express 20/5/74 Report on Aberdeen RSCDS winning team at Edinburgh Music Festival. Includes photo of the team and pen sketches of each team member.
Buchan Observer 17/12/91: Photo of children St Fergus school who took part in an “Hour of Dance” organised by Peterhead Branch RSCDS.
video interviews with 13 members of the Branch
Royal Scottish Country Dance SocietyAdelaide Branch correspondence various 1952-1997, 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Adelaide Accounts 1995, 1996, 1997, RSCDS Adelaide & Districts Branch Annual Meeting Teachers' Panel Report, 18.11.97. Minutes of RSCDS Interbranch Meeting 4th October 1996,
Included is the correspondence with HQ relating to the formation of the Branch. Details of the first committee members and the Branch teacher.
Letter of appreciation regarding a visit to the Branch by Florence Lessie 27/6/70
"The Reel Spiel" Newsletter No1, January 1990., "The Reel Spiel" Newsletter No.2. March 1990, "The Reel Spiel" Newsletter No.3. May, 1990.
Minutes of committee meetings 1950-1976; 1976-1980
Book 1 contains details of Branch Committees 1951-1962 and membership numbers 1950-1977
Branch Committee minutes from 1934-1960. Committee membership 1934, 1935
Angus BranchAnnan Branch correspondence various dates from 1972 - 1993, 2000 Branch Report.
Annan BranchA review of the Society's activities
RSCDS2 Boxes.
Box 1: Correspondence from 1988-1999, 2000 Branch Report, Black & White Photo Atlanta Branch Tartan Ball at Stone Mountain Highland Games October 1982, pictured D. Macleod, Rosemary Lipscomb and Duchess of Argyll, RSCDS Atlanta Constitution
Tapes contain recordings of music by various musicians with some live recordings
Royal Scottish Country Dance SocietyPhotocopies of Branch committee minutes October 1933 - March 1937
Photocopy of Newspaper article The Ayrshire Post 31st March 2000 "75 Years of The Reel Thing".
Branch correspondence various dates from 1963 -1997.
2000 Branch Report
Report of the Trustees 1st May 1996-30th April 1997,
RSCDS Ayr Branch Constitution, RSCDS Ayr Accounts 1996, 1997, Ayr Branch Report 1997
Includes undated photographs of Branch teams ( member details)
Extracts from first minute book:
Public Meeting 9/9/29 establishing Buckie Branch of SCDS.
First AGM 27/6/30
Branch correspondence various dates from 1953-1991, RSCDS Banff Constitution. 2000 Branch Report.
Branch correspondence: 1967-1992. Branch Report: 1991/1992, & 2000. RSCDS Bath 50th Anniversary Annual Ball Programme 27th February 1998.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society ArchivistBranch Correspondence: 1972-.1994. 2000 Branch Report.
4 Black and White Photos undated. 1 Group photo & 3 copies of same photo. 2 Colour photos of RSCDS Bedfordshire branch display stand. 1 Colour photo of Dance instructor on stage and children dancing.
RSCDS Bedfordshire Constitution.
Newsletters No. 16. 1981, No. 22. June 1982, No 25. December 1982, No. 26. February 1983, No. 27. March 1983, No 28. June 1983, No. 30. October 1983, No 37. December 1984, No. 39. April 1985, No. 41. September 1985, No, 42, November 1985.
Branch Correspondence
Branch correspondence various dates from 1977 - 1997 and "Bonnie Anne" or "The Royal Child" Dance instruction sheet (3 copies).RSCDS Berks Hants Surrey Constitution, Annual Report of RSCDS Berks Hants Surrey Branch 1995-1995. 2000 Branch Report.
Includes correspondence related to the Branch formation.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1960-1997
2000 Branch Report.
RSCDS Birmingham Branch Newsletter Autumn 1995.
Birmingham Branch Report as of 31st May 1996.
RSCDS Birmingham Constitution.
RSCDS Birmingham s submitted a dance "Furth O' Clyde" Dance Instruction sheet.
International Folk Dance Festival 13th-15th September 1981 Report by RSCDS Birmingham Branch.
Includes photographs of Branch’s 75th Anniversary Ball. One photograph is of the then Chairman and Vice-Chairman Fiona Mitchell and Mark Lewis, taken 31/3/98 at the Shirley Community Centre, Solihull
Booklets and Leaflets giving instructions for Scottish Country Dances. Some have music notation included. The booklets are in the main produced by Branches and Groups or individuals and have been privately published.
Archivist RSCDSBooks containing material relating to Dance and Dancing. Booklets containing descriptions of Country dances (with or without music).
Box 1: Branch correspondence various dates from 1953 - 1983, Boston Branch Annual Report 1979-1980
Boston Branch Newsletter "The Tartan Times" No. 3 January 1976, "Tartan times" No.2 . November 1982"Tartan times" No. 3. January 1982, "Tartan times "No. 5. June 1982,"Tartan times "No.4. April 1983", Tartan times "No2. November 1983, "Tartan times "No.4. April 1983", Tartan times "No.3. January 1983" " Pinewoods Post Script" November 1977,
Programme and Booklet for New Hampshire Gathering of Scottish Clans, 1978
Box 2: Correspondence from: 1984-2000
"The Teachers' Newsletter" Published for area teachers by the Boston Branch, RSCDS. Vol. 2, No. 3. Spring 1985
"Scottish Dancing in New England" June 1997
Programmes for Annual Highland Balls
Photographs (annotated) of Branch Ball 1992 and Highland Ball 1992.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1964 to 1997
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch
Two undated photographs of Branch’s junior Section at a New Year Charity Dance
Undated photograph of dancers at a day school
Bournemouth BranchBranch correspondence various dates from 1963 - 1993.
Colour photo of group cutting cake. RSCDS Bramhall Annual Dance Feb 29th 1992, Anniversary 29 years.
Bulletin 1992.
Includes correspondence relating to the branch formation, Membership Lists
Correspondence between HQ and Branches
Branch correspondence various dates from 1991-2000. 2000 Branch Report.
Accounts 1996, 1997.
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1961-1993
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch
Correspondence:1978-1985. 2000 Branch Report. Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch from the Affiliated group. Gives a list of founding members.
Buffalo Scottish Country Dance Group Newsletter Nov.1977,
Correspondence relating to acceptance of a non RSCDS qualification in lieu of the Preliminary Certificate: Mrs Mary McCreadie 30/5/80. Programme for Clarence Summer Music Festival 7/7/85 and press cutting relating to the Branch Participation. Programme lists the dances demonstrated. Correspondence relating to the event.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1971-1989
Includes correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch.
Notice of AGM 1970, 1971. Minutes of AGM 13th Mag 1971., RSCDS Committe of Management Meeting October 13th 1971,November 10th 1971, Minutes of RSCDS Burlington 15th February 1972., Minutes of Special meeting of Hamilton RSCDS 15th March 1972.
"The Hamilton Rant" newsletter July 1972. Volume 6. No. 1, RSCDS Hamilton Ontario Newsletter February 1971., Newsletter January 1972. 1973/74 Season Report for RSCDS Bulletin, Burlington Ontario Branch Newsletter September 1979.
Correspondence relating to acceptance of a non RSCDS qualification in lieu of the Preliminary Certificate: Mrs Mary McCreadie 30/5/80
Newspaper Article "Scots dances can lead to romance" The Burlington Gazette, Wednesday 26th January 1972.
Branch correspondence 1979-1994. Includes committee minutes for 1977-1978.
RSCDS Calgary Branch Report 31st May 1979
Annual Report 1972-73.
Membership lists.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1981-1990
Includes correspondence related to the formation related to the formation of the Branch.
Colour photo of Musicians Cambridge and District Day School.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1977-1997
Includes correspondence related to the formation of the Branch
RSCDS Canberra Constitution.
AGM 27th February 1988.
Annual Report for 16/9/89 to 22/9/90.
Accounts 30th June1997.
RSCDS Canberra Constitution.
"Scotch Circle" RSCDS Cabnberra and District Branch Newsletter March 2985. Vol. 5 No. 14
branch correspondence various dates 1952-1997. Branch reports.
RSCDS Cape Town Branch Newsletter"From The Pen Of Your Scribe" 30th April 1977, 31st March 1977, 3rd Edition 31st May 1977, 4th Edition 30th June 1977.
Secretary's Report 1977, 1978, 1979, 1990, 1991/1992, 1994, 1995.
Obituary Mrs (Kay) Catherine Rebecca Gibson.
Branch correspondence various dates from 1953-1994. 2000 Branch Report.
Includes the Branch's 40th Anniversary Book and the leaflet for "Hadrian's Reel"
Branch correspondence various dates from 1953-1992, 2000 Branch Report, Correspondence relating to the formation of the Branch
Photographs of the committee and class members at 50th anniversary celebration 2003
Branch Constitution dated 1951
Branch correspondence various dates from 1964 - 1994
Includes a newspaper obituary about Helen Walker a founder member of the Branch and Scroll recipient, 27th November, 1987
Colour photo Hope-Willie Little Golden Wedding (undated)
Correspondence and Branch reports 1999-2000
RSCDS ArchivistCorrespondence and Branch reports 1978-2000.
"The Hamilton Rant" Newsletter February 1991.
2000 Branch Report.
Membership lists and programmes for various Branch events
Branch correspondence various dates from 1958-2000
2000 Branch Report.
Photograph of dancers attending a Branch Christmas dance (n.d.)
Photograph of branch members dancing at Cowley Manor June 1983
1Box: Correspondence : 1984-1997, Cheshire Branch Constitution, RSCDS Cheshire Branch Annual Report 1992, RSCDS Cheshire Branch Report 1996, 1997.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist1Box: Correspondence : 1986-, RSCDS Chicago AGM Minues 14th June 1987, RSCDS Chicago Constitution, "The Blethers" RSCDS Chicago Newsletter February 1989, RSCDS Chicago Semi-Annual General Meeting 7th November 1993 Minutes, 2000 Branch Report, Black and White Photo of Chicago Branch Dancers "At Artfair, Chicago, 1986." Colour photo of dancers "Pipefest, Chicago Highland Games, July 1985, Downtown Chicago skyline, Colour photo of 4 ladies Octobet 1980 Hamilton (Ontario) Weekend.
"The Blethers" RSCDS Chicago Newsletter May 1987, September 1987, December 1987, February 1988, April 1988, August 1988, November 1988, May 1989, September 1989, October 1989, December 1989, March 1990, April/May 1990, September 1990, March 1991, August 1991, November 1991, February 1992, April 1992, August 1992, February 1993, April 1993, August 1993, December 1993, March 1994, August 1994,October 1994, May 1995.
1 Box: Correspondence : 1976-1994, 2000 Branch Report, RSCDS Cincinnati Branch Constitution, Colour photo of Nora Kindness, honoured by a new dance for her work with the Branch, Life member of the RSCDS Cincinnati branch. Picture taken at Ballon , 14th March , 1992. History of the Scottish Dance Society of Cincinnati (September 1958-September 1978).
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society ArchivistExtracts from the first minute book regarding the formation in 1927
Branch correspondence various dates from 1973
Includes two photographs of 75th anniversary celebrations 2003 with accompanying letter: 1. Cake cutting (no details), 2. Members group (detailed)
Each disc contains 22 tracks transferred from 78 rpm records. Most of the Cds have track list information but the original source is not identified.
RSCDSCorrespondence relating to changes to the constitution and rules
RSCDS1 Box: Correspondence : 1992-1993
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Archivist1 Box: Correspondence : 1990-1997, RSCDS Cornwall Branch Report May 1992, Report of the Missionary Visit to Cornwall, September 1993, Report on Visit to Cornwall Branch - August 1997, 2000 Branch Report.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society ArchivistCorrespondence with: Phonographic Performance Ltd; Performing Rights Society; Mechanical Copyright Protection Society Ltd., relating to Licensing, Royalties, Copyright Infringement, Copyright Disputes.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society1 Box: Correspondence : 1953- 1993, Life Members list, RSCDS Croydon and District Branch Rules, 2000 Branch Report.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society ArchivistDance Descriptions in leaflet or booklet (paper covers) form with or without music
RSCDS ArchivistDance On (first issue November 2004) and published monthly, includes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
Box 1 Issues 1-27
Box 2 Issues 28-52
Correspondence from 1969-1993; Local Newspaper article about a Branch Class.
33rd Annual Hogmany Ball Programme 31st December 1985, 35th Annual Hogmany Ball Programme 31st December 1987
Spring Ball Programmes
RSCDS Delaware Branch Newsletter "The Rampant Lion" July-August 1991, Vol. 26, No. 7.
RSCDS Delaware Branch Newsletter "The Rampant Lion" April 1992, Volume 27, No. 4.
RSCDS Delaware Branch Report May 1992
Newspaper Article "Right in Step" from The News Journal 1st April 1993, about Delaware Branch.
1 Box: Correspondence : 1973-, "Scottish Country Dancing Euronews" Published for the St. Andrew's Society of Delft" No. 13, December 1973, "Scottish Dancing in The Hague!" August 1978 (translation of newspaper article from De Posthoorn , The Hague Edition, Correspondence related to Branch formation, St. Andrew's Society of Delft (As of 12th May, 1979, RSCDS Delft Branch) Report for the Year 1978/1979, "The Thistle and The Tulip" Bulletin of the Scottish Societies in the Netherlands, June 1980, RSCDS Delft Branch Constitution, RSCDS Delft Branch License Agreement, RSCDS Delft Branch Accounts 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, Secretary's Report 1997/1998, Secretary's Report as per 31/5/1999, RSCDS Delft Branch Report 31st May 2000, RSCDS Delft Branch Report 31st May 2001,Secretary's Report as per 31/5/2000, 2000 Branch Report.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society ArchivistMinutes of committee meetings from 1956 - 1969
Derby Branch RSCDSCorrespondence 1978-1994;
Secretarys report May 28th 1981, 1982/83
Minutes 1980
RSCDS Detroit Annual Workshop booklet with sheet music and dance instructions.
RSCDS Detroit Branch Newsletter - March 1984. Volume 4. No . 3
RSCDS Detroit Branch Newsletter . April 1991. Volume 11, No. 4
Newspaper photocopy "The Mackinac Island Town Crier" August 1984. re Commanding Officers Ball 28th July and 2 Colour photos of dance group.
Diaries and Scrapbooks created by members of the RSCDS
Royal Scottish Country Dance SocietyCorrespondence 1978-1997;
Branch Report 31st May 1996, 1997.
Committee Minute Books 1947-1954; 1955-1966; 1966-1979; 1979-1987; 1987-1998
Branch papers 1962-1993
2000 Branch report.
Photocopies of the first eight Committee Meetings including the inaugural meeting 9/2/25
Dundee Branch correspondence various dates from 1957 - 1997
Includes: Correspondence relating to the gift to the Society of the Chairman’s Badge of Office by Mr J C Hutchison in memory of his wife. Correspondence related to the David Findlay memorial Rose Bowl. Photographs (no details) of young dancers at the 1990 Dundee Festival.
Dunfermline Branch correspondence various dates from 1955-2008. Correspondence: letters and newspaper articled from 1955 "Fife dancer in Scots team for Pretoria" about Mr A. Leslie Cumming from Dunfermline going to Pretoria with the Scottish country dancing team taking part in the Centenary celebrations there.
Archivist RSCDSCorrespondence 1953-1987; Minute book and 3 colour photos.
Archivist RSCDSCorrespondence from 1953-1997, includes newspaper cutting of newspaper article from The Courier and Advertiser about Montrose Country Dance club from 2nd October 1985, RSCDS Angus Constitution.
RSCDS ArchivistCorrespondence from 1952-1994; "Westering Home" dance instruction sheet, AGM Minutes 3rd October 1985, 9th October 1987, 7th October 1988, 13th October 1989, 4th October 1991, 2nd October 1992, 8th October 1993, 26th March 1994, Chairmans reports, Colour Photograph of RSCDS East Lothian 3 people cutting cake and RSCDS East Lothian constitution.
Archivist RSCDS2 Boxes.
1st Box from 1952:
Correspondence from 1952-1982 ; Autumn Term 1973 Newsletter, Photocopy of articel "MacCountry Pleasures Searching for my Scottish Roots" by Marjorie Harris, RSCDS Edinburgh Visit to Turkey , June, 1981 report, Colour Photograph of Mrs Margaret Hunter from RSCDS Edinburgh, Dance Programmes; "An Edinburgh Fancy" Programmes 1955, 1957, 1985.
2nd Box: Correspondence from 1983- 1997. Agenda AGM 12th June 1985, Agenda AGM 11th June 1986, Agenda AGM 10th June 1987, 2 Colour photos of RSCDS Edinburgh Dance team in Yugoslavia.. Black and White photo of Edinburgh Demonstration Team, colour photo of Edinburgh Branch, RSCDS Edinburgh Branch "Dancing Forth" Newsletter Spring 2010, RSCDS Edinburgh Branch "Dancing Forth" Newsletter Issue 1 April-July.
Archivist RSCDSElgin Branch correspondence various dates from 1950-1982. Includes Branch Accounts Ledgers and correspondence related to the Branch reconstitution in1950. Membership lists.
Elgin BranchPapers and Correspondence relatng to Society Events
Correspondence from 1969-1993 and 2000 Branch Report. Colour photo of 75th Anniversary Dance 19th December 1998 of Teacher Sue Tyler with Dr Leyton Morris , Piper and former President, Colour photo of 30th Anniversary Annual Ball of RSCDS Exeter on 13th March 1999 of Dr Naomi Krazer, Holland and Mr Ted Davey.
Archivist RSCDSFalkirk Branch correspondence various dates from 1950-1982. Correspondence File; Various dance programmes; Crieff Hydro Weekend Programmes; Extracts from the Minutes related to the formation of the Branch in 1932 (as East Stirlingshire Branch).
Archivist RSCDS5 video cassettes used in the making of "The First Lady of the Dance"
Archivist RSCDS2 Boxes.
1st Box: Correspondence from 1984-1994., RSCDS North Florida Constitution, Minutes, RSCDS North Florida Branch Report from the Chairman Robert A. Hall. Secretaries Annual Report January 1993, Secretary's Report 1994.
2nd Box : Correspondence from 1986-1990. includes Minutes.
RSCDS ArchivistCorrespondence from 1953-1994, 2000 Branch report and newspaper article
RSCDS ArchivistCorrespondence from 1962-1988, RSCDS Forres Constitution.
Archivist RSCDSCorrespondence 1953-1992. Obituary for Mrs Kath McCulloch of Ardwall 1907-2006, Newspaper article from The Galloway News, 19th March 1992 "Scottish Country Dance stalwart honoured" about Mrs Kath McCulloch;
Archivist RSCDS2 Boxes:
1st Box: Correspondence from 1964-1988, Branch Report 1975, RSCDS Glasgow Branch Annual Report 1986/1987,
Committee Minute Book 1949-1953.
2nd Box: Correspondence from 1989-
Includes the Branch’s Diamond Jubilee programme and guest list.
Correspondence relating to a possible “Scottish Spectacular Military Tattoo” in Glasgow
In 1986.
Correspondence relating to the organisation of the 1988 Glasgow Garden Festival.
Programme for the 1981 “A Glasgow Flourish”. Photograph of the participating dancers.
Florence Adams Obituary
Gothenburg Branch correspondence various dates from 1975-1994. Correspondence: letters. Annual Reports 1991, 1992, 1993,
Archivist RSCDSCorrespondence from 1976-1983-; Includes correspondence from affiliate status as Halifax-Dartmouth Scottish Country Dance Group, Halifax/Dartmouth Country Dance Group 1976-1977 Report, Constitution and Byelaws.
Archivist RSCDSMinutes of the Branch Committee; 1935-1952; 1952-1960; 1960-1968; 1968-1981.
Cash Book for the period 1935 -1950 (includes some membership details 19-35-45).
Correspondence from 1968-1992. RSCDS Hamilton and Clydesdale Branch 80th Anniversary Ball Friday 24th April 2015 A Short History of The Branch. RSCDS Hamilton and Clydesdale Branch Golden Jubilee Ball 1935-19895, 19th April 1985 Programme.
1st Box: Correspondence; 1964-1982. Minutes, Hamilton (Ontario) Newsletter for April-May 1979, December 1982/January 1983 Newsletter.
2nd Box: Correspondence: 1983-1993, Annual Report 1982-1983, Christmas 1983 Newsletter, Members Report 24th March 1986Newsletter October 1987, AGM Reports 1983,1984, 1986 & 199-2000 Yearly Reports.
Correspondence; from 1973-1993. RSCDS Hawaii Branch Report 1991/1992, 1992/1993, 2000 Branch Report.
Archivist RSCDSHelensburgh and District Branch correspondence various dates from 1952-2019. Correspondence: letters.
Archivist RSCDSHerefordshire District Branch correspondence various dates from 1966-2015. Correspondence: letters and folder of newspaper articles, Hereford Branch RSCDS 40th Anniversary dance instruction booklet, Photos of the RSCDS 40th Anniversary Garden Party at the Gouldens' on 7th July 2007.Nigel Carter's caper dance instruction sheet, The Down House Strathspey dance instruction sheet, The Jovial Vet strathspey dance instruction sheet, Black Mountain Anniversary Jig dance instruction sheet and the Black Mountain Reel dance instruction sheet., Branch Newsletter 2015 item on Nigel Carter.
Archivist RSCDSHouston and District Branch correspondence various dates from 1976-2000. Correspondence: letters and Houston RSCDS group photo.
Archivist RSCDSHunter Valley Newcastle Branch District correspondence dates from 1965-1997. Correspondence and Hunter Valley Constitution,
Archivist RSCDSInverness and District correspondence dates from 1949-2000.
Archivist RSCDSNotes regarding Scottish Country Dances, Border Dances, the origins of Highland Dancing. Biographical notes.. Miscellaneous papers related to dancing in the Borders
Ion C B JamiesonIsle of Islay Branch correspondence dates from 1949-2000. Includes 2000 Branch report, and Purchase order forms.
Archivist RSCDSIsle of Skye Branch correspondence dates from 1988-2000. Includes 2000 Branch report.
Archivist RSCDSJohannesburg Branch correspondence dates from 1968-2000. Includes 1991-1992 Branch report and 2000 Branch report.
Archivist RSCDSRegularly published Journals and Newsletters containing information relating to Branch and Group activities and items of general interest regarding SCDS
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society