Showing 1390 results

Archival description
100 Reels, strathspeys,  jigs and Hornpipes
100 Reels, strathspeys, jigs and Hornpipes
12 Scottish Country Dances devised by Mervyn Short
12 Scottish Country Dances devised by Mervyn Short
19th Century Dance Programmes
19th Century Dance Programmes
40 Memorable Years
40 Memorable Years
7 Favourite Scottish Dances No. 4
7 Favourite Scottish Dances No. 4
80 Years of Dundee Dancing
80 Years of Dundee Dancing
A Bhratach Dhealrach Central Kentucky Branch Newsletter
A Bhratach Dhealrach Central Kentucky Branch Newsletter
A Camp of Pleasure. Ancient & modern music for dancing
A Camp of Pleasure. Ancient & modern music for dancing
A Collection of Original Scotch Tunes
A Collection of Original Scotch Tunes
A Collection of Strathspey Reels
A Collection of Strathspey Reels
A group of unknown dancers at an event in Bedford NH
A group of unknown dancers at an event in Bedford NH
A group of unknown dancers at an event in Bedford NH
A group of unknown dancers at an event in Bedford NH
A Highland Fling
A Highland Fling
A History of Jordanhill College of Education, 1921-1971
A History of Jordanhill College of Education, 1921-1971
A Jig 'n' A Reel. A Resource for Scottish Country Dancing in Schools
A Jig 'n' A Reel. A Resource for Scottish Country Dancing in Schools
A Measure of Scotch. Jim Johnstone and His Band
A Measure of Scotch. Jim Johnstone and His Band
A "Reel" Kick
A "Reel" Kick
A Scottish Welcome
A Scottish Welcome
A Second Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances arranged for younger and less expreienced dancers
A Second Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances arranged for younger and less expreienced dancers
A Select Collection of Original Scotish (sic) Airs, For the Voice. To each of which are added Introductory & Concluding Symphonies, &  Accompanyments for the Piano Forte & Violin
A Select Collection of Original Scotish (sic) Airs, For the Voice. To each of which are added Introductory & Concluding Symphonies, & Accompanyments for the Piano Forte & Violin
A select collection of original Scottish and Welsh airs for the voice : with introductory and concluding symphonies & accompaniments for the piano forte, violin & violoncello : with select and characteristic verses both Scottish and English adapted to the airs, including upwards of one hundred new songs by Burns.
A select collection of original Scottish and Welsh airs for the voice : with introductory and concluding symphonies & accompaniments for the piano forte, violin & violoncello : with select and characteristic verses both Scottish and English adapted to the airs, including upwards of one hundred new songs by Burns.
A Skye Collection
A Skye Collection
A Tribute to Derek Haynes
A Tribute to Derek Haynes
A Tribute to William Hannah
A Tribute to William Hannah
Advertisments for Dance Classes 1858-1921
Advertisments for Dance Classes 1858-1921
All for Music-Why?
All for Music-Why?
Allan's Irish Pianist Part 2
Allan's Irish Pianist Part 2
Am Feile Beag
Am Feile Beag
An Interview with Dr. Alastair Macfadyen
An Interview with Dr. Alastair Macfadyen
Angus Fitchet Scottish Dance Collection
Angus Fitchet Scottish Dance Collection
Anna Marshall's Strathspey
Anna Marshall's Strathspey
Annual Review 2010
Annual Review 2010
Annual Review 2011
Annual Review 2011
Annual Review 2012
Annual Review 2012
Annual Review 2013
Annual Review 2013
Annual Review 2014
Annual Review 2014
Annual Review 2015
Annual Review 2015
Annual Review 2016
Annual Review 2016
Another Collection by Eric Allan
Another Collection by Eric Allan
Assemble and Leap
Assemble and Leap
Australian Winter School 2005
Australian Winter School 2005
Awa Frae Hame
Awa Frae Hame
Ayr Branch 75th Anniversary Event 1
Ayr Branch 75th Anniversary Event 1
Ayr Branch 75th Anniversary Event 2
Ayr Branch 75th Anniversary Event 2
Ayr Branch Demonstration Group Photograph 1
Ayr Branch Demonstration Group Photograph 1
Ayr Branch Demonstration Group Photograph 2
Ayr Branch Demonstration Group Photograph 2
Ayr Branch Demonstration Group Photograph 3
Ayr Branch Demonstration Group Photograph 3
Ayrshire  Manuscript
Ayrshire Manuscript
Ayrshire NW Branch 40th Anniversary Ball
Ayrshire NW Branch 40th Anniversary Ball
Balance and Swing
Balance and Swing
Baldovan Reel; Hamilton House
Baldovan Reel; Hamilton House
Bannockburn 700
Bannockburn 700
Bedford Bairns
Bedford Bairns
Bedford Bairns
Bedford Bairns
Belfast Hornpipe, Sailors Hornpipe, High Level; The Dashing White Sergeant, My Love She's but a Lassie Yet, The Rose Tree
Belfast Hornpipe, Sailors Hornpipe, High Level; The Dashing White Sergeant, My Love She's but a Lassie Yet, The Rose Tree
Berks-Hants-Surrey Border Branch Newsletter
Berks-Hants-Surrey Border Branch Newsletter
Birmingham Branch Newsletter
Birmingham Branch Newsletter
Bobby MacLeod's Selection of Country Dance Tunes
Bobby MacLeod's Selection of Country Dance Tunes
Bonnie Dundee
Bonnie Dundee
Bonnie Strathhardle
Bonnie Strathhardle
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances Revision 1998
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances Revision 1998
Boston Branch Newsletter
Boston Branch Newsletter
Bow and Curtsy
Bow and Curtsy
Braemar Dancers with Mrs. MacNab
Braemar Dancers with Mrs. MacNab
Branch Demonstration Team at the International Air Cadet Exchange function at Stirling Castle
Branch Demonstration Team at the International Air Cadet Exchange function at Stirling Castle
Briefs for 100 Favorite Dances and 63 More
Briefs for 100 Favorite Dances and 63 More
Brighton Branch Newsletter
Brighton Branch Newsletter
Bristol Branch Newsletter
Bristol Branch Newsletter
Bristol- photograph of Hugh Ferguson, accordion player & Ron Wallace, teacher taken at Bristol Branch Weekend School 2003
Bristol- photograph of Hugh Ferguson, accordion player & Ron Wallace, teacher taken at Bristol Branch Weekend School 2003
Broun's Reel
Broun's Reel
Buffalo (NY )Branch Demonstration Team 1998
Buffalo (NY )Branch Demonstration Team 1998
Bulletin No. 1 March, 1932
Bulletin No. 1 March, 1932
Bulletin No 10 October 1936
Bulletin No 10 October 1936
Bulletin No 11 March 1937
Bulletin No 11 March 1937
Bulletin No. 12 October 1937
Bulletin No. 12 October 1937
Bulletin No. 13, March 1938
Bulletin No. 13, March 1938
Bulletin No. 14 October 1938
Bulletin No. 14 October 1938
Bulletin No. 15, March 1939
Bulletin No. 15, March 1939
Bulletin No 16 October 1939
Bulletin No 16 October 1939
Bulletin No. 17, October 1940
Bulletin No. 17, October 1940
Bulletin No. 18, June 1941
Bulletin No. 18, June 1941
Bulletin No. 19 November 1941
Bulletin No. 19 November 1941
Bulletin No 2 October 1932
Bulletin No 2 October 1932
Bulletin No. 20, December 1942
Bulletin No. 20, December 1942
Bulletin No. 21, November 1943
Bulletin No. 21, November 1943
Bulletin No. 22, December 1944
Bulletin No. 22, December 1944
Bulletin No. 23 November 1945
Bulletin No. 23 November 1945
Bulletin No. 24, October 1946
Bulletin No. 24, October 1946
Bulletin No. 25, October 1947
Bulletin No. 25, October 1947
Bulletin No. 26, October 1948
Bulletin No. 26, October 1948
Bulletin No. 27 October 1949
Bulletin No. 27 October 1949
Bulletin No. 28, October 1950
Bulletin No. 28, October 1950
Bulletin No. 29 October 1951
Bulletin No. 29 October 1951
Bulletin No 3 March 1933
Bulletin No 3 March 1933
Bulletin No. 30, October 1952
Bulletin No. 30, October 1952
Bulletin No. 31, October 1953
Bulletin No. 31, October 1953
Bulletin No. 32, October 1954
Bulletin No. 32, October 1954
Bulletin No. 33, October 1955
Bulletin No. 33, October 1955