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Archivistische beschrijving
Photogaph of the International team in Piazza San Marcoe with onlookers around them
Photogaph of the International team in Piazza San Marcoe with onlookers around them
Photograph of the International Team in Venice
Photograph of the International Team in Venice
Photograph of The International Team on styage at the Aberfeldy Games
Photograph of The International Team on styage at the Aberfeldy Games
Photograph of members of the International Team with Jean Milligan and Murial Hadden
Photograph of members of the International Team with Jean Milligan and Murial Hadden
Official publicity photograph of members of the International Team at the International Folklore Festival
Official publicity photograph of members of the International Team at the International Folklore Festival
Photograph of the International team parading on the streets of Biarritz
Photograph of the International team parading on the streets of Biarritz
Photograph of Jean Milligan with members of the International Team in Bavaria
Photograph of Jean Milligan with members of the International Team in Bavaria
2 Colour Prints by T.A. Cockburn
2 Colour Prints by T.A. Cockburn
Bill Hamilton Album No.10
Bill Hamilton Album No.10
Photograph Album Perth Dance Groups 1950s
Photograph Album Perth Dance Groups 1950s
Photograph Album Spring Fling and Youth Events
Photograph Album Spring Fling and Youth Events
Letter to The Research Committee from G Douglas Taylor
Letter to The Research Committee from G Douglas Taylor
Miscellaneous dance descriptions and correspondence D-G
Miscellaneous dance descriptions and correspondence D-G
Miscellaneous dance descriptions and correspondence H-L
Miscellaneous dance descriptions and correspondence H-L
Step Dances from the Hill Manuscript, 1841. Transcribed by Isobel Cramb
Step Dances from the Hill Manuscript, 1841. Transcribed by Isobel Cramb
Letters to The Scottish Arts Council from Joan F. Flett
Letters to The Scottish Arts Council from Joan F. Flett
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 20
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 20
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 22 'Twelve Modern Scottish Country Dances in Traditional Form
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 22 'Twelve Modern Scottish Country Dances in Traditional Form
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 23 'Twelve Modern Scottish Country Dances in Traditional Form second collection'
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 23 'Twelve Modern Scottish Country Dances in Traditional Form second collection'
Eight Modern Scottish Country Dances- Book 33
Eight Modern Scottish Country Dances- Book 33
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 39
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 39
The Millennium Dances. Book 41
The Millennium Dances. Book 41
Scottish Country Dances Book 43
Scottish Country Dances Book 43
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Book 47 - 12 Dances to Celebrate the 90th Anniversary
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Book 47 - 12 Dances to Celebrate the 90th Anniversary
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Book 51. 12 Scottish Country Dances for Yong and Less Experienced Dancers
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Book 51. 12 Scottish Country Dances for Yong and Less Experienced Dancers
Scottish Country Dances Books 7-12
Scottish Country Dances Books 7-12
Scottish Country Dances Books 19-24
Scottish Country Dances Books 19-24
Scottish Country Dances Leaflet and Other Dances 1964 - 1998
Scottish Country Dances Leaflet and Other Dances 1964 - 1998
Imperial Book of Scottish Country Dances Volumes 1-3 Combined Edition
Imperial Book of Scottish Country Dances Volumes 1-3 Combined Edition
Scottish Country Dance Books 1-5 (leather bound)
Scottish Country Dance Books 1-5 (leather bound)
Scottish Country Dance Books XXXVI, XXXVII and XXXVIII. The Pocket Edition
Scottish Country Dance Books XXXVI, XXXVII and XXXVIII. The Pocket Edition
Three Traditional Scottish Dances - 3rd Set
Three Traditional Scottish Dances - 3rd Set
Three Traditional Scottish Dances - 4th Set
Three Traditional Scottish Dances - 4th Set
The Broadswords of Lochiel
The Broadswords of Lochiel
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances Revision 1998
Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances Revision 1998
Originally Ours Volume One: The lead Tunes for every dance published by the RSCDS 1923 - 2011
Originally Ours Volume One: The lead Tunes for every dance published by the RSCDS 1923 - 2011
Originally Ours Volume Two: A compilation of original tunes for all the country dances published by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
Originally Ours Volume Two: A compilation of original tunes for all the country dances published by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
Miss Milligan's miscellany of Scottish country dances. Volume 1
Miss Milligan's miscellany of Scottish country dances. Volume 1
Syllabus for Teaching Beginners
Syllabus for Teaching Beginners
75th Anniversary Commemorative Dances
75th Anniversary Commemorative Dances
A Second Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances arranged for younger and less expreienced dancers
A Second Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances arranged for younger and less expreienced dancers
Scottish Country Dances for Perth 800
Scottish Country Dances for Perth 800
The Kandahar Reel
The Kandahar Reel
A Collection of Dances to Celebrate The Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
A Collection of Dances to Celebrate The Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Jigs & Reels
Jigs & Reels
Bulletin No. 1 March, 1932
Bulletin No. 1 March, 1932
Bulletin No 4 October 1933
Bulletin No 4 October 1933
Bulletin No. 9 March 1936
Bulletin No. 9 March 1936
Bulletin No. 15, March 1939
Bulletin No. 15, March 1939
Bulletin No. 17, October 1940
Bulletin No. 17, October 1940
Bulletin No. 22, December 1944
Bulletin No. 22, December 1944
Bulletin No. 23 November 1945
Bulletin No. 23 November 1945
Bulletin No. 28, October 1950
Bulletin No. 28, October 1950
Bulletin No. 29 October 1951
Bulletin No. 29 October 1951
Bulletin No. 30, October 1952
Bulletin No. 30, October 1952
Bulletin No. 34, October 1956
Bulletin No. 34, October 1956
Bulletin No. 35 October 1957
Bulletin No. 35 October 1957
Bulletin No. 36 October 1958
Bulletin No. 36 October 1958
Bulletin No. 41 October 1963
Bulletin No. 41 October 1963
Bulletin No. 42 October 1964
Bulletin No. 42 October 1964
Bulletin No. 43 October 1965
Bulletin No. 43 October 1965
Bulletin No. 45, October 1967
Bulletin No. 45, October 1967
Bulletin No. 48, October 1970
Bulletin No. 48, October 1970
Bulletin No. 53, October 1975
Bulletin No. 53, October 1975
Bulletin No. 56, October 1978
Bulletin No. 56, October 1978
Bulletin No. 58, October 1980
Bulletin No. 58, October 1980
Bulletin No. 60, October 1982
Bulletin No. 60, October 1982
Bulletin No. 61, October 1983
Bulletin No. 61, October 1983
Bulletin No. 62, October 1984
Bulletin No. 62, October 1984
Bulletin No. 66, October 1988
Bulletin No. 66, October 1988
Bulletin No. 72, October 1994
Bulletin No. 72, October 1994
Bulletin No. 76, October 1998
Bulletin No. 76, October 1998
Scottish Country Dancer No. 4 Spring 2007
Scottish Country Dancer No. 4 Spring 2007
Scottish Country Dancer No. 5 Autumn 2007
Scottish Country Dancer No. 5 Autumn 2007
Scottish Country Dancer No. 7 October 2008
Scottish Country Dancer No. 7 October 2008
Scottish Country Dancer No. 16 April 2013
Scottish Country Dancer No. 16 April 2013
Scottish Country Dancer No. 17 October 2013
Scottish Country Dancer No. 17 October 2013
Scottish Country Dancer No. 18 April 2014
Scottish Country Dancer No. 18 April 2014
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 26 April 2018
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 26 April 2018
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 27 October 2018
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 27 October 2018
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 28 April 2019
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 28 April 2019
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notes on dances
Notes on dances
Letter from Donald R Mackenzie to Ysobel Stewart
Letter from Donald R Mackenzie to Ysobel Stewart
Letter from G Douglas Taylor to Ysobel Stewart
Letter from G Douglas Taylor to Ysobel Stewart
Letter from Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor to Ysobel Stewart
Letter from Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor to Ysobel Stewart
Letters from Ion C B Jamieson to Ysobel Stewart
Letters from Ion C B Jamieson to Ysobel Stewart
Scottish Horse Retirement Badge
Scottish Horse Retirement Badge
Tartan Plaid
Tartan Plaid
Notebook recording plans for each class for a series of evening class at Dundas Vale School
Notebook recording plans for each class for a series of evening class at Dundas Vale School