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GB GB 3410 RSCDS · Fond · 1923

Society Committee Minutes; Administrative Papers; Photograph Catalogue; Constitution and Rules; Dance Research; RSCDS Publications; Recorded Music Catalogue; Bibliographic Materials; Film and Video Materials; Oral History Recordings; Branch Records; Affiliated Group Records.

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-6-4 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1977
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Includes correspondence from the secretary for meetings of the committee not included with SCD/1/5/3, NOT CLEAR WHETHER THOSE MEETINGS WERE MINUTED/ HELD; Draft minues of meetings that are included in SCD/1/5/3; correspondence re 'Know The Game', HQ stocking TAC Notes for Teachers, Collins Publishers; Book 29; Leaflet for 1978; Submissions to the committee including 'The Reel of Hong Kong- Lo Man Yui, The Merry Lads of Glasgow collected by Cedric Clark; Suggestions for the committee regarding the publication of records for older dances; Formation Index by E.C. Sharp, including a copy; Recounting a lesson from Jean Milligan A Trip to Glasgow and Frost and Snow- by Florence Adams; comments from committee members and individuals on dances for Miss Milligans Miscellany; Book 30; Booklet produced by Col Murray for his Battalion;correspondence with Richard Goss re his research; letters of complaint and comments on Society publications

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-6-5 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1980
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Includes agendas, draft minutes (including minutes of 29 November 1980 not incl in SCD/1/5/3-4), correspondence with comments on leaflet dances; Letters from individuals with suggestions for publcations / complaints/ comments on committee minutes; Corrections and comments for 'Won't You Join The Dance' and a lsit of ammendmenst made to it; correspondence with publishers

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-7-1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1972
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

"Lists of dances and descriptions with hand drawn diagrams under consideration for Books 26 and 27
Lady Maxwells Reel , Saxon Dance, Old Nicks Lumber Room, Sugar Candie, Airdrie Lassies, A Mile to Ride, Fairly Shot oHer, Lady Mary Cochranes Reel, Lord Elgins Reel, Rob Roy MacGregor, The Frisky; typescript dances for The Ladies of Dunse, Caber Fey, Donald Couper, Lady Maxwell's Reel The new Waterloo Reel or the Saxon Dance, Fairly Shot o Her, Lady Mary Cochranes Reel, Lord Elgins Reel,
Rob Roy MacGregor, The Frisky, Lord Forbes' Reel, A Mile to Ride, Old Nick`s Lumber Room, Sugar Candie, Airdrie Lassies, Miss Nellie Wemyss


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Envelope: Tribute to the Borders
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-7-11 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1979
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Trip to the Borders'? Original tune in A Craighouse, Tune 2 is an original tune in D Mrs Methven to be used as a 2nd tune only for the dance if wished or if printing space allows'; Music for Daggs of Craighouse and Mrs Methven and descriptions and diagrams for the dance Tribute to the Borders. Includes music for The Northern Meeting from 6th book Lowe's Collection composed by Captn Fraser and Lord Eglintoun's Auld Man Book 3 Lowe's Collection

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Folder: Book 30
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-7-13 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1980
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Music, descriptions and diagrams for Collichur, Hame Came Our Gudeman, The Highland Lass, The Bawk, A Mans A Man For A That, The Guidman of Balangigh, The Cadies Lady, Short and Sweet; correspondence concerning arrangement of music and publication

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Folder: Book 31 Dances
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-7-14 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1980
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Murial Johnstones handwritten arrangements for Book 31; photocopies of sources for music used in Book 31 collected by Alastair MacFadyen; correspondence relating to copyright; final proofs fo Book 31.

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-1-5-7-17 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1981
Parte de Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Proofs of Five Scottish Country Dances for 1982; hand written music for: Haig of Bemersyde, Joe MacDiarmids Jig, The Royal Wedding, St. Andrews Fair, Sunday Morning. Correspondence with printers re costs; correspondence re copyright; correspondence and proofs for book 6 reprint"

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