Society Committee Minutes; Administrative Papers; Photograph Catalogue; Constitution and Rules; Dance Research; RSCDS Publications; Recorded Music Catalogue; Bibliographic Materials; Film and Video Materials; Oral History Recordings; Branch Records; Affiliated Group Records.
Zonder titelThis series contains publications and printed materials including biographies, books, leaflets, booklets, sheet music, journals, magazines, newsclippings and other items collected or produced by the RSCDS, its Branches and its members.
Zonder titelThe series consists of dances and music collected by members from publications and oral accounts as well as original compositions; papers concerning the formation and teaching dances; papers relating the history and sources of RSCDS dances and practices; published and unpublished submissions to the Society for inclusion in its publications.
Zonder titelThis series contains publications and printed materials including books, leaflets, booklets, sheet music, journals, magazines, newsclippings and other items collected by the RSCDS and its members
Zonder titel