Notebook of Summer School class plans
- RSCDS-FA-1-1
- Stuk
- 1958 - 1974
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook of Summer School class plans
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Notebook including poems, prose and plays written by Jean Milligan.
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Contains dance descriptions and accompanying music mainly from John Walshs 'The Complete Country Dancing-Master, Being a Collection of all the Celebrated Country Dances now in Vogue. Perform'd at Court, the Theatres, Masquerades, and Publick Balls With Proper Tunes and Directions to each Dance. The Tunes fitted for the Violin, Hoboy, or German Flute'.
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes. After 1951 these records relate to the Royal Scottish County Dance Society
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the Annual General Meetings of Members of the Scottish Country Dance Society
Signed minutes. After 1951 these records relate to the Royal Scottish County Dance Society
Minute book of the Annual General Meetings of Members of the Scottish Country Dance Society
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the General Purposes Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the General Purposes Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the General Purposes Committee of the RSCDS
Signed minutes.
Minute book of Examinations Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Signed minutes.
Minutes and papers of the Public Relations sub-Committee
Minutes and papers of the Public Relations Sub Committee of the RSCDS, after March 1997 the committee was renamed the Marketing Committee and after May 2001 was known as the Marketing and Public Relations Sub Committee.
Minutes and papers of the 75th Anniversary Sub Committee
The 75th Sub Committee was set up to organise preparations for the Society's 75th anniversary celebrations. Topics discussed include: the production of commemorative items, celebratory events and a visit from The Queen.
Minutes of the Strategic Planning Sub Committee
Signed minutes.
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Includes diagrams for dance formations and lists of dances included in various RSCDS publications
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Includes notes on the history of dances and dance descriptions.
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Contains dance descriptions and notes on her correspondence
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Notes on the history of the RSCDS and Scottish Country Dancing
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Manuscript notebook containing music and dances.
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Manuscript notebook containing music and dances.
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Manuscript notebook containing music and dances.
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Manuscript notebook containing music and dances.
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Manuscript notebook containing music and dances.
Part of Jean Milligan Papers
Jean Milligans Life Membership card.
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Dances from Johnson's Caledonian Country Dances 1748'
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Copied from Caledonian Country Dances part III c. 1754
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Dances collected locally
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
'Copy of Mrs Shands Notebook, 6 dances, evidently John Bowie's Collection 1789
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
'Dances for a future book XIII'
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Catalogue of the "Glen" Collection
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Handwritten notes on: The Bob of Fettercairn; The White Cockade; The Dutchess (sic) of York;Off she goes; Light and airy; The Marquis of Huntly's Highlanders; Miss Kitty Campbell of Shawfield's Reel
Notes on the origins of the Scottish Country Dance Society
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Handwritten recalling the formation of the SCDS. Includes typed version
Letter from Donald R Mackenzie to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
D R Mackenzie was a long-established dancing master in Stirling. Replying to her request for information on Scottish Country dances.
Letter from G Douglas Taylor to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Comments and suggestions from a country dance teacher
Letter from Archibald Campbell to Yosbel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Comments about The Nut, the 8-some and 16-some dances
Letter from Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Letter enclosing copy of General Stewart's Reel (not with letter) and suggestions about dances
Letters from Ion C B Jamieson to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Concerning dances collected by Jamieson; comments on the pousette and allemande.
Letter from John M Duthie to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Remarks on interpretation of dances in the Society's books
Correspondence from Ysobel Stewart to the secretary's of the RSCDS
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Topics discussed include: AGMs, origins of dances and the establishment of the Society.
Notes on the SCD Pianists course
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook recording plans for each class for a series of evening class at Dundas Vale School
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook recording teaching plans for classes given by Florence Adams at various weekend schools
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook recording class plans for evening classes given by Florence Adams
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook recording teaching plans for classes given by Florence Adams at various weekend schools
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook of Summer School Preliminary Certificate class plans
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook of classes for weekend schools
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook of class plans for various weekend schools
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook recording teaching plan for an advanced class given by Adams at Summer School
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Also includes notes of a teachers meeting held 30/12/1981
Notebook recording plans for each class of a series of evening classes given by Florence Adams
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notes class plans given at weekend schools in Gilslana Spa and Duns
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talks given to McDonald Memorial Womens Guild
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Photograph of Florence Adams as a student
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Photographs taken at presentation to Florence Adams from Glasgow Branch
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
'Reels of Eight' descriptions from various sources including:
Eightsome Reel and Another Eight Reel from the Blantyre MSS 1805;
French Assembly Reel and Assembly Reel from "The Ball-Room" 1827;
The Reel of Eight from "The Globe Guide to the Art of Dancing";
The Eightsome Reel from MacKay's Ballroom Guide.
Additional notes concerning Book 27 were added by an unknown author
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
Titled: 'SCDS [Book XII]'. Contains dance descriptions with music from various sources including 'Rutherford 1772', Neil Gow III, Twenty Four Scottish Country Dances from the year 1793' and Caledonian Country Dances 1748.
Ranting Highland Man, Lads of Leath, Tweedside, Buttered Pease, Border Reel, Kiss Quick My Mothers a Coming or Bonnie Jocky, Swines Tale to Georgia, Right Scotch Contention or Ye Duke of Atholl's Rant, Musselborough or Jenny Bang the Weaver, John Black's Daughter, Grant's Quickstep or Scots Tune, The Braes of Balquhither, Mrs Stewart's Strathspey, The Sailor Laddie, Lady Betty Cochrans Reel, Odd Thoughts, Miss Jessy Dalrymples Reel, Lady Betty Boyle's Reel, Miss Christie Dalrymples Fancy, Sontra Hill, Mrs Falconar's Fancy, Bonny Geordies Wig, Yester House, The Black Dance, The Machine Without Horses.
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers
'Copy of Castle Menzies. This was copied by me from a notebook written by the Lady Dorothea Riggles Brise. She supplied the music from other sources, contemporary when possible'.
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Signed minutes.
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Signed minutes.
Johnsonville Scottish Country Dance Club (NZ)
Website has a brief history of the group. There are some member profiles and a picture gallery of events.
Johnsonville Scottish Country Dance Society
Milton (Brisbane) Scottish Country Dance Club
25th Anniversary Booklet describing the club's history and events. Includes lists of Club Officials and demonstration team members.
Phyllis South
Interview with Gill Gooch Liverpool Branch
Reflections and Observation on Scottish Country Dancing and Music
Interview with Jo Dickensen Liverpool Branch
Reflections and Observations on Scottish Country Dancing and Music
Liverpool Branch
Interview with Joyce Stewart Liverpool Branch
Reflections and Observations on Scottish Country Dancing
Liverpool Branch
Interview with Phyllis South Queensland Branch
Reflections and Observations on Scottish Country Dancing and Music
Brian Hacker
Interview with Sally Maunder Queensland Branch
Personal reflections and observations on Scottish Country Dancing and Music
Interview with Sam and Heather Heron Queensland Branch
Personal reflections and observations on Scottish Country Dancing and Music
Brian Hacker
Video Interview with Mechthild and Andrew Timmins Adeleaide Branch
Video Interview with Andrew Mechthild about thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Angie Chang Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Angie Chang about her thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Aberdeen Branch
Video Interview with Arthur Littlejohns Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Arthur Littlejohns about his thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Colin Pickering Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Colin Pickering about his thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Elizabeth and Les Berry Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Elizabeth and Les Berry about their thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Jean lumsden Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Jean Lumsden about herr thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Lily Davison Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Lily Davison about her thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Mary Hogden Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Lily Davison about her thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Margo Mernitz
Video Interview with Mary Hogden about her thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Video Interview with Maureen Morris Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Maureen Hogden about her thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Neville Pope, Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Neville Pope about his thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Video Interview with Noeiel Tarca Adelaide Branch
Video Interview with Noriel Tarca about her thoughts and experiences of Scottish Country Dancing (Audio only available online).
Adelaide Branch
Notebook of meetings of various committees on which Adams served
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Programme for talk given at Bandon or Cairns Church to Bandon/Cairns Mens Fellowship
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given at Bellshill West Church Women's Guild
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Copy of a speech to the Glasgow branch with handwritten notes by Adams
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given at the Hamilton and Clydesdale branch with handwritten notes
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk and programme of dances given at the Burnbank Woman's Guild Hamilton
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given to Crosshill Church Mens Fellowship
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given at Hamilton Quincentenerary Celebration
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given to Burnbankchurch Woman's Guild Hamilton
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given at Cadder Church, Bishopbriggs
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Talk given at an RSCDS Adjudicators course
Part of Florence Adams Papers
Includes course timetable and notes from the British Federation of Music Festivals