A letter assingning the copyright of Danc-On Magazine to the RSCDS
UntitledScottish Records 33 SR 138 S1; 1. March, Strathspey and Reel 2. Slow Strathspey and Reel 3. Pastoral Strathspey and Reel 4. Slow Air and Air 5.Slow Air 6. Slow Air Air Strathspey and Reel 7. Slow Air Strathspey and Ree.
S2: 1. March, Strathspey and Reel 2. Slow Strathspey and Reel 3. Slow Strathspey Strathspey and Reel 4. Slow Air and Patriotic Air 5. Slow air 6. Slow Airs Air and Reel &. March, Strathspey and Reel
An introduction to Scottish Country Dancing By Jean Milligan. Original edition 1926 and the revised edition 193.This is the 1931. Tge booklet served as a first manual for the Scottish Country Dance Society. Published by Peterson Sons & Co Ltd (1931, 1926); A facsimile edition of the original was published by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (1986)
UntitledLinen table mat approx. 300 x450 mm with a design incorporating the RSCDS logo; Saltire; Dancers
UntitledCertificate of Registration
Correspondence between Mcnaugton Group (House of Edgar) and the RSCDS relating to the design, copyright assignment and registration
Bluebell Records BBR LP 119 S1: Galloway House(R), Donald Bane (S), Trip to Aberdeedn (J), Scottish Waltz, Jessie's Hornpipe(R), Cumberland Reel (Reel) S: Inverness Country Dance R, Dunoon Barn Dance, Ladies' Fancy (J), Gay Gordons, Last of the Lairds (J), Hamilton Rant (R)
UntitledPrivate recording SMT 70-31 S1: The Isles 8x32J, The White Cockade 8x32R, Maggie Lauder 8x32S, Reel of the 51st Division 8x32R S2: Mrs. Macleod of Raasay 8x32R, The Duke of Atholl's Reel 8x32J, The Braes of Tullimet 8x32S, Corn Rigs 8x32R
UntitledThistle Records BSLP 122S S1: The Frisky 8 x 32J, Burn's Hornpipe 8 x 32R, New Scotland Strathspey 8 x 32S, Baldovan Reel 4 x 32R, Golden Pheasant 8 x 40J S2: Kiss Me Quick my Mither's comin' 8 x 32R, Miss Milligan's Strathspey 8 x 32S, Foursome Reel and Reel of Tulloch 32S+32R+64R, Miss Murray of Lintrose 8 x 32R
UntitledThis series consists of photographs, photograph albums, slides, and similar, commissioned, collected or otherwise acquired by the RSCDS.
Replies to a Youth Committee questionnaire sent to Branches and Groups requesting information about dancers ages 5 to 30.
RSCDS ArchivistLists the names of the recipients since 1983 to date
RSCDS ArchivistTopics discussed include: Comments from branches, under 16s membership terms, and outreach opportunities.
RSCDS ArchivistDocuments and correspondence related to research for "An Album for Mrs. Stewart.
RSCDS ArchivistClippings from the magazine "Eve's Circle" relating to articles written by Allie Anderson about specific Scottish Country Dancing Printed in the Evening Standard, 1954-55. Also includes an article from the 'Women of Worth' about Anderson.
UntitledA collection of triple-hornpipe music with a description of each tune and an index.
UntitledA booklet of about 50 pages published by the Nation Association of Accordion and Fiddle Clubs with a Foreword by Nicol McLaren (Chairman). Table of Contents (74 Tunes)
UntitledA booklet of 46 pages published by the Nation Association of Accordion and Fiddle Clubs with a Foreword by Nicol McLaren (Chairman). Includes a biography of Angus Fitchet and a Table of Contents (40 Tunes
UntitledA programme giving details of events and participants at the Festival, held in Edinburgh from 28th June to 3rd of July, 1948
UntitledResource Material Pack 1 (Pilot Scheme
RSCDS ArchivistRing bound booklet of tunes by Pete Clark published 2015 by Inver Music. Contains a Table of Contents, Introduction, Biography of Pete Clark; Description on Fiddling in Perthshire.
UntitledBooklet of 58pp containing 107 original compositions. Published by Eric Allan, Drumossie
UntitledThe remaining records of the organisation including 2 Minute Books, I accounts File and 3 Correspondence Files
RSCDS ArchivistBrief history of the organisation from its inception until the publication of the 7th Edition. Produces by the editorial committee.
RSCDS ArchivistMinutes of Committee Meeting
RSCDS ArchivistAccounts and related correspondence
RSCDS ArchivistCorrespondence Various
RSCDS ArchivistCorrespondence Various
RSCDS ArchivistMinutes of Committee Meetings
RSCDS ArchivistDiaries of teaching and examination tours, 1983 - 1993;
Lowe Research: Correspondence, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, photocopies of dance programmes, photographs and publications;
File relating to Dance Master Francis Peacock;
Correspondence relating to 'Dance With Your Soul'
Society Committee Minutes; Administrative Papers; Photograph Catalogue; Constitution and Rules; Dance Research; RSCDS Publications; Recorded Music Catalogue; Bibliographic Materials; Film and Video Materials; Oral History Recordings; Branch Records; Affiliated Group Records.
UntitledThis collection contains notes, correspondence and printed material (all photocopies)
RSCDS ArchivistThistle Records No. BSLP 118S
Side 1: 1. Last of the Lairds, 2. Party Polka, 3. Circle Waltz, 4. Eva Three Step, 5. Macdonald of the Isles, ^. The Boston Two Step, 7. The Gay Gordons
Side 2: 1. Fireside Reel, 2. Highland Schottische, 3. Pride of Erin, 4. Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder, 5. Dinky One Step, 6. Dashing White Serjeant
Disc Number: EMI Waverley SZLP 2144
Side 1: 1. The Flowers of Edinburgh, 2 A Piper's Prayer, 3. March, Strathspey and Reel, 4. The Music of Spey, 5. Soir de Paris, 6. Arran Hills, 7. Set of Reels
Side 2: 1. Retreat Selection, 2. Leila + The Massacre of Glencoe, 3. Strathspey, 4. Beverley Wood, 5. 6/8 Marches, 6. The Earl of Dalhousie, 7. Waltzing Matilda
Disc Number: Emerald Gem GES 1141 - Andrew Rankine and his Scottish Band
Side 1: 1. The Irish Rover, 2. The Call of the Pipes, 3. Sing-Along Waltz, 4. Accordion Polka (Santa), 5. The Swinging Sporran, 6. Dreaming
Side 2: 1. The Bluebell Polka, 2. Highland Barn Dance, 3. Gaelic Memories, 4. The Plantation Reel, 5. The Posties Jig, 6. The Blarney Reel, 7. Scotch Hop
Disc Number: Beltona SBE 169 - Archie Duncan
Side 1: 1. March Slow Air and Reel, 2. Midnight in Moscow, 3. Zorba's Dance, 4. Misty Highlands of the Islands, 5. Dark Eyes, 6. Kafooalum
Side 2: 1. March, Strathspey and Reel, 2. Kalinka, 3. Never on Sunday, 4. St. Andrew's Trilogy, 5. The White Rose of Athens, 6. The Tushkar
Disc Number: Emerald Gem No. GES 1176
Side 1: 1. The Black Maria, 2. Snow in Summer, 3. Para Handy Polka, 4. The Gay Gordons, 5. Dunoon Barn Dance, 6. The Cameron Swing, 7. The Skye Waltz
Side 2: 1. Scotch On The Rocks, 2. Amazing Grace, 3. The Black Mountain Reel, 4. Looking For a Partner, 5. The Pipet's March, 6. Lauder Melodies
Disc Number: Grampian Recordings SK2003
Side 1: 1. Highland Soldier, 2 Little Malcolm, 3. La Russe, 4. Galway Hornpipe, 5. Visit to the Dark Island, 6. Eva Three Step
Side 2: 1. El Begonia, 2. Highland Reel, 3. Gaelic Waltz, 4. The Honeymoon, 5. Kilt is My Delight, 6. Right Fine Girl You Are.
Disc Number: Ross Records WGR 034
Side 1: 1. The Maid of the Mill, 2. Sir James Baird's Strathspey, 3. Wedderburn's Reel + Ha! Ha! The Wooin' O' It, 4. Bothkennar
Side 2: 1. The Sutters of Selkirk. 2. The Village Reel, 3. The Hunting Horn, 4. The Twa Meenit Reel
Disc Number: Waverley ZLP 2082 Ian Powrie and his Band
Side 1: 1. Gay Gordons, 2. Hesitation Waltz, 3. Johnny Has Gone for A Soldier, 4. Circassian Circle, 5. American Square Dance, 6. Sandy's Holiday.
Side 2: 1. Dashing White Serjeant, 2. Winster Gallop, 3. The Last Thing on my Mind, 4. Scottish Waltz, 5. Skip to My Loo, 6. Cumberland Square Dance, 7. Bonnie Maggie Tamson, Russian Ballet
Disc Number: Release Records BRL 4024
Side 1: 1. Reels, 2. Jigs, 3. Scottish Waltz Medley, 4. Gay Gordons, 5. Reels, 6. Valeta Waltz, 7. Royal Scots Polka
Side 2: 1. Gay Gordons, 2. St. Bernard's Waltz, 3. Jigs, 4. Strathspeys, 5. Waltzes, 6. Reels
Disc Number: Scottish Records 33SR136
Side 1: 1.Highland Fling, 2. Highland Fling, 3. Sword Dance, 4. Sword Dance, 5. Seann Truibhas, 6. Seann Truibhas, 7. Argyll Broadswords, 8. Flora Macdonald's Fancy, 9. Strathspey and Reek of Tulloch
Side 2: 1. Eightsome Reel, 2. Irish Jig, 3. Strathspey and Highland Reel, 4. Sailor's Hornpipe, 5. The Hullachan, 6. The Lilt, 7. The Lilt, 8. Johnny at the Barracks.
Disc Number: Lismor LILP 5187
Side 1: 1. Memories of Lindsay Ross, 2. St. Bernard's Waltz, 3. The Wild Geese, 4. Slow Air,5. Military Twostep, ^. Modern Waltz, 7. Fiddle Feature, 8. The Opening of the Forth Railway Bridge, 9. Air
Side 2: 1. The Call of the Pipes, 2. Gaelic Waltz, 3. Scandinavian Schottische, 4. Strip the Willow, 5. Queen Victoria's Visit Quadrille, 6. Gay Gordons, 7. Polka, 8. A Gaelic Medley, 9. The Forth Bridge Centenary Reel.
Disc Number: Brownrigg Productions BRG-003
Side 1: 1. Tarry A Whilw, 2. The Duchess of Athole's Slipper, 3. Falconer Hall, 4. Glasgow Country Dance
Side 2: 1. Dumbarton's Druss, 2. There's Nae Luck Aboot the House, 3. The Scots Bonnet, 4. Bobby Brown's Canadian Breakdown
Disc Number: Grampian SGW 5003 Rob Gordon's Scottish Country Dance Band
Side 1: 1. Boston Two Step 2. Olde Time Sauntrer, 3. Busby Polka, 4. Scottish Waltz, 5. Barn Bance, Favourite Reels, Scottish Waltz
Side 2: 1. The Gay Gordons, 2 Pride of Erin, 3. Dumfries House, 4. Kittleyknowe Polka, 5. Eva Three Step, 6. Dark Island, 7. Waltz of the Gaels
Disc Number: Clinkscale Stebelin C 1005
Side 1: 1. Highland Laddie, 2. The Blue Bonnets, 3. Set of Reels, 4. Waltz, 5. Dunoon Barn Dance, Scottish Ramble
Side 2: 1. A Trip to Bavaria, 2. Eva Three Step, 3. The Dundee Whaler, 4. Waltz Selection, 5, Two and Two, 6. Dance Band Polka, 7. The New Ashludie Rant, 8. Scottish Waltz Selection
Disc Number: Lismor LILP 5141
Side 1: 1. Argyll's Fancy Jig 4x48, 2. Accordion Duet, 3. Shiftin' Bobbins Reel 4x32, 4. Hornpipes, 5. Elizabeth's Waltz ,6. Shepherd's Crook - Strathspey, 7. Flowers of Edinburgh Reel 8x32.
Side 2: 1. Dram O' Dalwhinnie Reel 4x32, 2. Pride of Erin Waltz, 3. Joan's Jig 4x32, 4. Slow Air, 5. Medley- Slow Air, March and Strathspey, 6. Tarry Awhile Jig 4x32, 7. Dashing White Serjeant
Correspondence with various recording companies related to the recording of RSCDS Dance Records
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistIncludes articles, letters, New Dances, CD reviews, Web Page reviews, and a Dance Diary
RSCDS ArchivistFour Page (A4 folded) Newsletters published mainly quarterly between 1996 and 2008 (when the Organisation became defunct). Content consisted of news from the various groups and members and also reports on the STDT in-house research projects.
RSCDS Archivist