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Sin título
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Students Lancers, Figure 3; Students Lancers, Figure 4; Figure 5
Students Lancers, Figure 3; Students Lancers, Figure 4; Figure 5
Foursome Reel; Eightsome Reel
Foursome Reel; Eightsome Reel
No. 3, Queen's Welcome (Loch Earn); No. 4, Kenmure's on and awa'
No. 3, Queen's Welcome (Loch Earn); No. 4, Kenmure's on and awa'
The Scottish Country Dance Book
The Scottish Country Dance Book
The Pocket Edition Scottish Country Dance Books I, II and III
The Pocket Edition Scottish Country Dance Books I, II and III
Miss Milligan's miscellany of Scottish country dances. Volume 1
Miss Milligan's miscellany of Scottish country dances. Volume 1
Teaching notebooks belonging to Florence Adams
Teaching notebooks belonging to Florence Adams
Letter from Ellen Douglas to Jean Milligan
Letter from Ellen Douglas to Jean Milligan
Prayer For Jean Milligan
Prayer For Jean Milligan
Minutes, papers and correspondence of the Committies of the RSCDS
Minutes, papers and correspondence of the Committies of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Publications Committee (27 January 1934 - 13 September 1941) & Management Committee (16 May 1942- 1 November 1952)
Minute book of the Publications Committee (27 January 1934 - 13 September 1941) & Management Committee (16 May 1942- 1 November 1952)
Constitution and Rules
Constitution and Rules
File titled: 'Communications with Patron [..] 1932-1965'
File titled: 'Communications with Patron [..] 1932-1965'
Agreements and Correspondence with Paterson's Publications
Agreements and Correspondence with Paterson's Publications
File relating to premises 1955-1973
File relating to premises 1955-1973
Examination Results 1923 - 2018
Examination Results 1923 - 2018
Music for Twelve Traditional Dances Book1
Music for Twelve Traditional Dances Book1
SCDS Secretary's Diary & Examination Book 7 January 1924 - 16 July 1937
SCDS Secretary's Diary & Examination Book 7 January 1924 - 16 July 1937