Mostrando 20 resultados
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Bibliographical materials
Bibliographical materials
Music in Recorded and Printed Form
Music in Recorded and Printed Form
RSCDS Publications and ephemera
RSCDS Publications and ephemera
Dance research- original sources and compositions
Dance research- original sources and compositions
Constitution and Rules
Constitution and Rules
Administrative Papers of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Administrative Papers of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Music Festival Programmes
Music Festival Programmes
Audio (non-Music) Materials
Audio (non-Music) Materials
Dance leaflets
Dance leaflets
Records of Affliated Groups and Clubs
Records of Affliated Groups and Clubs
Papers relating to the death of Jean Milligan
Papers relating to the death of Jean Milligan
Records of the RSCDS Branches
Records of the RSCDS Branches
Oral Histories
Oral Histories
Teaching notebooks belonging to Florence Adams
Teaching notebooks belonging to Florence Adams
Minutes, papers and correspondence of the Committies of the RSCDS
Minutes, papers and correspondence of the Committies of the RSCDS
Notebooks belonging to Jean Milligan
Notebooks belonging to Jean Milligan