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Archivistische beschrijving
Cooke's Selection of Country Dances for the Year 1796
Cooke's Selection of Country Dances for the Year 1796
Photographs of Conejo Valley SCDS 1985
Photographs of Conejo Valley SCDS 1985
Glasgow Music Festival Programme of Fourteenth Festival. 1924
Glasgow Music Festival Programme of Fourteenth Festival. 1924
Newspaper cuttings featuring advertisments for the Scottish Country Dance Society
Newspaper cuttings featuring advertisments for the Scottish Country Dance Society
Newspaper cuttings featuring advertisments for the Scottish Country Dance Society
Newspaper cuttings featuring advertisments for the Scottish Country Dance Society
SCDS Secretary's Diary & Examination Book 7 January 1924 - 16 July 1937
SCDS Secretary's Diary & Examination Book 7 January 1924 - 16 July 1937
Fife Branch Minute Book 1929-1937
Fife Branch Minute Book 1929-1937
S1.Newcastle; S2. The Old Mole
S1.Newcastle; S2. The Old Mole
S1.Waltz Country Dance S2. Morpeth Rant and Soldiers Joy
S1.Waltz Country Dance S2. Morpeth Rant and Soldiers Joy
Photogaph of the International team in Piazza San Marcoe with onlookers around them
Photogaph of the International team in Piazza San Marcoe with onlookers around them
Photograph of the International Team in Venice
Photograph of the International Team in Venice
Photograph of members of the International Team with Jean Milligan and Murial Hadden
Photograph of members of the International Team with Jean Milligan and Murial Hadden
Photographs of the International Team being filmed
Photographs of the International Team being filmed
The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh; A Scottish Waltz
The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh; A Scottish Waltz
Photograph of the International team performing in Piazza San Marcoe, Venice
Photograph of the International team performing in Piazza San Marcoe, Venice
Photograph of the stage at the European Folk Dance Festival in Venice. Taken from the back of the crowd
Photograph of the stage at the European Folk Dance Festival in Venice. Taken from the back of the crowd
Official publicity photograph of members of the International Team at the International Folklore Festival
Official publicity photograph of members of the International Team at the International Folklore Festival
Photograph of the International team performing at the International Folklore Festival
Photograph of the International team performing at the International Folklore Festival
Dances of Scotland by Jean C. Milligan and D.G. MacLennan
Dances of Scotland by Jean C. Milligan and D.G. MacLennan
Kirkcaldy Branch Minute Book 1930-1950
Kirkcaldy Branch Minute Book 1930-1950
Report of the Edinburgh Schools Scottish Country Dancers Participation in the Jubilee Celebrations of the FIOCES, Paris March 1950
Report of the Edinburgh Schools Scottish Country Dancers Participation in the Jubilee Celebrations of the FIOCES, Paris March 1950
Lord Stormont
Lord Stormont
Minute book of the Publications Committee (27 January 1934 - 13 September 1941) & Management Committee (16 May 1942- 1 November 1952)
Minute book of the Publications Committee (27 January 1934 - 13 September 1941) & Management Committee (16 May 1942- 1 November 1952)
Photograph of the International team parading on the streets of Biarritz
Photograph of the International team parading on the streets of Biarritz
The Eight Men of Moidart; Off She Goes in the North
The Eight Men of Moidart; Off She Goes in the North
The Allan Trophy Competition
The Allan Trophy Competition
Publicity photographs of the International performing at the Festival International du Folklore, Nice
Publicity photographs of the International performing at the Festival International du Folklore, Nice
Minute Book
Minute Book
Minute Book North Ayrshire Beanch 1936--1954
Minute Book North Ayrshire Beanch 1936--1954
S1.The Queen Mary Waltz S2. Gay Gordons
S1.The Queen Mary Waltz S2. Gay Gordons
The Rafford Reel
The Rafford Reel
Stone Scottish Dancing Group
Stone Scottish Dancing Group
Music notebook containing handwritten tunes for dances
Music notebook containing handwritten tunes for dances
Photograph of the International getting off a plane on their arrival in South Africa
Photograph of the International getting off a plane on their arrival in South Africa
Miss Milligan Talk - Summer School 1955; Talk to Summer School Teacher's Class
Miss Milligan Talk - Summer School 1955; Talk to Summer School Teacher's Class
English Folk Dancing for Schools and Junior Youth Clubs
English Folk Dancing for Schools and Junior Youth Clubs
Photograph Album Perth Dance Groups 1950s
Photograph Album Perth Dance Groups 1950s
Dance with Jimmy Shand
Dance with Jimmy Shand
Examination Book: 1 December 1948 - 17 April 1957
Examination Book: 1 December 1948 - 17 April 1957
Single Play Ian Powrie
Single Play Ian Powrie
Scottish Gramaphone Records
Scottish Gramaphone Records
Scotland Dances
Scotland Dances
S1.Aikey Brae (Bothy Ballad) S2. Neeps Tae Pluck (Bothy Ballad)
S1.Aikey Brae (Bothy Ballad) S2. Neeps Tae Pluck (Bothy Ballad)
Kirkcaldy Branch Minute Book 1950-1957
Kirkcaldy Branch Minute Book 1950-1957
Scottish Country Dances No.2
Scottish Country Dances No.2
Scottish Country Dances
Scottish Country Dances
Bill Hamilton Album No.4
Bill Hamilton Album No.4
Margaret McLaren Visit to South Africa 1958
Margaret McLaren Visit to South Africa 1958
Scottish Country Dances No.1
Scottish Country Dances No.1