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Archivistische beschrijving
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-8-1-62 · Stuk · c.1798
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Two publications bound together in a single volume. The first publication is the arrangements by Pleyel, and the second by Kozeluch . Published by Printed and sold by Preston at his Wholesale Warehouses 97 Strand, London and by the Proprietor G Thomson, Edinburgh.

Zonder titel
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-8-1-63 · Stuk · c.1805
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Three separate publications bound together in a single volume. All musical arrangements by Joseph Haydn. Published by Printed and sold by Preston at his Wholesale Warehouses 97 Strand, London and by the Proprietor G Thomson, Edinburgh.

GB GB 3410 RSCDS-8-16 · Bestanddeel · various
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

3 dance programmes for dances held in the West Carse Hall, Glencarse (Perth). Annual Tea and Dance dated 31/12/1894: Grand Annual Tea and Dance dated 20/11/1896; Annual Supper and Dance dated 28/10/1898. Each programme includes an engagements page. The letter from Chris Saunders (Glasgow Branch Chairman) give some provenance for the programmes,

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Highland Dancing
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-8-1-881 · Stuk · 1896
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

A page extracted from "The Navy and Army Illustrated" of 1896. The text describes the origin and form of "The Reel of Four", Reel of Tulloch" and "The Gillie Callum". Three accompanying illustrations show the dances being performed my members of a Highland regiment.

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Jean Milligan Papers
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-JM · Collectie · 1906 - 2000

This collection contains personal notebooks, correspondence, certificates and testimonials of Jean Milligan. There are also papers relating to her death, including obituaries and memorials. This material is complemented by papers collected by Alistair MacFadyen and Florence Adams including interviews with Jean Milligan's contemporaries at Jordanhill College.

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Florence Adams Papers
RSCDS-FA · Collectie · 1909-1997

This collection contains notebooks, correspondence, speeches and photographs of Florence Adams

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Mary Isdale McNab Papers
RSCDS-MIM · Collectie · 1910

This collection contains notes, correspondence and printed material (all photocopies)

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Students Lancers
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-7-5-43 · Stuk · about 1911
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Music forall figures of Students Lancers arranged by J. Barrie Panton and published by Joseph Williams Ltd, London
Fig.1: Here's to the Maiden; The Rollicking Irishman. Fig.2: Casmptown Races; Polly Wolly Doodle;; Jingle Bells. Fig.3: The Gambolier; We Won't Go Home till Morning; Billy Magee Magar. Fig.4: Upidee; A tavern in the Town; Marching Through Gorgia. Fig.5: See the Conquering Hero Comes; Solomon Levi; Come Landlord Fill the Flowing Bowl; John Peel; Old Folks at Home; Massa'a in the Cold Cold Ground; My Nut Brown Maiden; Riding Down to Bangor.

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The Healthful Art of Dancing
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-8-1-846 · Stuk · 1911
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

A book which aims to give a constructive treatment of dance with particular respect to its relationship to health, vigour and beauty. With 61 photographs and illustrations. By Luther H Gulick, published by Doubleday, Page and Company, New York 1911

Zonder titel
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-7-1-427 · Stuk · 25/05/23
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Regal G 6624 (Columbia Gramophone Co. Ltd)
J Scott Skinner Violin Solo
S1 Medley No. 2: The Bonnie Lass O' Bon Accord; Marquis of Huntly's Farewell; The £10 Fiddle
S2 Bagpipe Marches: Athole Highlander's Farewell to Loch Katrine; Cameron Highlanders; Inverness Gathering

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-1-2 · Stuk · c. 1920
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers

'Reels of Eight' descriptions from various sources including:
Eightsome Reel and Another Eight Reel from the Blantyre MSS 1805;
French Assembly Reel and Assembly Reel from "The Ball-Room" 1827;
The Reel of Eight from "The Globe Guide to the Art of Dancing";
The Eightsome Reel from MacKay's Ballroom Guide.
Additional notes concerning Book 27 were added by an unknown author

GB GB 3410 RSCDS · Fond · 1923

Society Committee Minutes; Administrative Papers; Photograph Catalogue; Constitution and Rules; Dance Research; RSCDS Publications; Recorded Music Catalogue; Bibliographic Materials; Film and Video Materials; Oral History Recordings; Branch Records; Affiliated Group Records.

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-28 · Bestanddeel · 1924 - 1986
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

An introduction to Scottish Country Dancing By Jean Milligan. This is the 1931 revision of the original (ca. 1925) and served as a first manual for the Scottish Country Dance Society. Published by Peterson Sons & Co Ltd (1931, 1926); A facsimile edition of the original was published by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (1986)

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-1-1 · Bestanddeel · 1924
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Issued by the Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Patterson, Sons & Co., Ltd (1924, 1925).
Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1926, 1929, 1930, 1934, 1937, c.1938, c.1943, c.1946, c.1947).
By the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1952, c.1955, 1956, 1957, 1985, 1998).
Dances: Petronella (R); The Triumph (R); Circassian Circle (R); The Nut (J); Meg Merrileees (R); The Flowers of Edinburgh (R); Strip the Willow or Drops of Brandy (J); Duke of Perth or Pease Strae or Broun's Reel (R);Rory O'More (J); Fight About the Fireside (R); Cumberland Reel (J); The Merry Lads of Ayr (R)
Issued by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Includes notes made by Ysobel Stewart (2000).

Zonder titel
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-1-2 · Bestanddeel · 1925
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Issued by the Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Patterson, Sons & Co., Ltd (1925).
Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1928, 1930, 1933, c.1945, c.1946, c.1947, c.1950).
By the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1953, 1955, 1956, 1959, 1960).
Dances: La Tempete (R); The Bumpkin or Ninesome Reel (J); The Glasgow Highlanders (S); Speed the Plough or Inverness Country Dance (R); The Perth Medley R); The Soldier's Joy (R); The Princess Royal (R); Grieg's Pipes or The Cameronian Rant(R); Delvine Side (R); THe Bob O' Dowally (R); The Haymakers or Sir Roger de Coverley (J); The Eightsome Reel (R)
Music arranged by Murial A. Johnstone and J. Michael Diack. Published by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (1985, 1998).

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All for Music-Why?
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-7-1-001 · Stuk · 1926
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Columbia 'Special Record' No SMMA 2 Specially made for Scotland's Music Week
Side I is a talk by William McCulloch
Side 2 is a Reels and Strathspey Selection played by the Highland Military Band: East Neuk of Fife; Bonnie Charlie,; Lord MsDonald; Piper O' Dundee; Stirling Castle; Marquis of Huntly's Farewell

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-1-1-3 · Bestanddeel · 1926
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

By the Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1926, 1927, 1931, 1936, 1937, c.1945, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1950). By the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1952, 1954, c.1955, 1958, 1964). By the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, music arranged by Muriel A. Johnstone and J. Michael Diack. Published by Paterson's Publications, Ltd (1985, 2001).
Dances: Scottish Reform (J); The Dashing White Sergeant or Highland Reel (R); Saint Patrick's Day; Jenny Come Down to Jock (J); Blue Bonnets (J); The Fairy Dance (R); The Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow (J); Rachael Rae (R); The Duke is Welcome to Inverness (R); The Eighjt Men of Moidart (R); The Foursome Reel (R); The Reel of Tulloch (R).

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-1-5 · Stuk · c. 1930
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers

Blantyre Farm 19 August 1800. A List of Country dances according to Mr William Seymore from Killbride which he teached to Blantyre farm, above date'.
Contents: Common Figure, Swallow Fife Hunt, The Heather, Stewarton Lasses, Cause he was a bony lad, Duke of Perth, Princess Royal, The Faicket, The Widows, Greigs Pipes, Haymakin, Lord MacDonalds Reel, Jenny Nettles, Lord Lennon Love to Blantyre, Blantyre Lasses, Cameron's got his knife again, Lord Dalhonses', Tibby Fowler, Miss Sinclair, The Deal Among the Tailors, Kemptshott Hunt, Soldires Joy, Had The Lass, Gibraltar Rocks, Duke of Argyll, Fire Ship or New Rigged Ship, Common Cotillion or French Cotillion, Eightsome Reel, Another 8 Reel, The Bounky, James Coats Juniors, country dance.

GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-1-6 · Stuk · 1930
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers

'Copy of Castle Menzies. This was copied by me from a notebook written by the Lady Dorothea Riggles Brise. She supplied the music from other sources, contemporary when possible'.

GB GB 3410 RSCDS-8-3-4 · Stuk · 1930
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

The illustrated album was included as a free gift with the Journal, published by John Leng and Co., Dundee and London. The introduction to the booklet is by the Duchess of Atholl and contains a description of the style and steps of SCD along with instuctions and music for; Circassian Circle ,Petronella, Scottish Reform, Triumph, Brown's Reel, The Flowers of Edinburgh, Jenny's Bawbee, Cawdor Fair, Haymakers, Foursome Reel, The Soldier's Joy, Rory O''More, Barn Dance, Highland Schottische and Waltz Country Dance.

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-1-3 · Stuk · c. 1938
Part of Ysobel Stewart Papers

Titled: 'SCDS [Book XII]'. Contains dance descriptions with music from various sources including 'Rutherford 1772', Neil Gow III, Twenty Four Scottish Country Dances from the year 1793' and Caledonian Country Dances 1748.
Ranting Highland Man, Lads of Leath, Tweedside, Buttered Pease, Border Reel, Kiss Quick My Mothers a Coming or Bonnie Jocky, Swines Tale to Georgia, Right Scotch Contention or Ye Duke of Atholl's Rant, Musselborough or Jenny Bang the Weaver, John Black's Daughter, Grant's Quickstep or Scots Tune, The Braes of Balquhither, Mrs Stewart's Strathspey, The Sailor Laddie, Lady Betty Cochrans Reel, Odd Thoughts, Miss Jessy Dalrymples Reel, Lady Betty Boyle's Reel, Miss Christie Dalrymples Fancy, Sontra Hill, Mrs Falconar's Fancy, Bonny Geordies Wig, Yester House, The Black Dance, The Machine Without Horses.

Society Information Leaflets
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-6-12 · Stuk · 1945, 1961, 1964
Part of Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

2 Information Leaflets issued 1945 and 1961. The leaflets give details of the Society Officials, the Executive Council, the Branches of the Society, and the Branch representatives to the Executive Council. SCD-6-12-001.pdf The 1961 issue details in addition ta list of books available for sale from the Society. I leaflet with details of the 1964 AGM SCD-6-12-2-001.pdf

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