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Tartan Plaid
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-6-7 · Pièce · n.d.
Fait partie de Ysobel Stewart Papers

Tartan plaid worn by Ysobel Stewart at her wedding.

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Tartan Plaid
GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-7 · Pièce · n.d.
Fait partie de Ysobel Stewart Papers

Tartan Plaid worn by Ysobel Campbell at her wedding. Includes a copy of a letter to Drummond Laing which gives the history of the Plaid.

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GB GB 3410 RSCDS-YS-1 · Série organique · c.1920-c.1960
Fait partie de Ysobel Stewart Papers

12 notebooks containing descriptions of dances (with Mrs. Stewart's notes) being considered or prepared for publication.

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