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Bibliographical materials

This series contains publications and printed materials including biographies, books, leaflets, booklets, sheet music, journals, magazines, newsclippings and other items collected or produced by the RSCDS, its Branches and its members.

The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Cooke's Selection of Country Dances for the Year 1796

Music and instructions for 14 dances:Miss Ponsonby's Reel, Miss McDonald's Reel,Jackson's Bottle of Claret, Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself, The Lug of the Spade, Miss Rainey's Reel, Lady McIntosh's Reel,The Silver Mine's Miss Brown's Reel, Miss Stewart's Reel, The Edinvurgh Volunteers, Miss Duval's Reel, The Birks of Abergeldie, Lady Emily Fitsgerald's Reel.

B Cooke (publisher - Dublin)

A Select Collection of Original Scotish (sic) Airs, For the Voice. To each of which are added Introductory & Concluding Symphonies, & Accompanyments for the Piano Forte & Violin

Two publications bound together in a single volume. The first publication is the arrangements by Pleyel, and the second by Kozeluch . Published by Printed and sold by Preston at his Wholesale Warehouses 97 Strand, London and by the Proprietor G Thomson, Edinburgh.

G Thomson

A select collection of original Scottish and Welsh airs for the voice : with introductory and concluding symphonies & accompaniments for the piano forte, violin & violoncello : with select and characteristic verses both Scottish and English adapted to the airs, including upwards of one hundred new songs by Burns.

Three separate publications bound together in a single volume. All musical arrangements by Joseph Haydn. Published by Printed and sold by Preston at his Wholesale Warehouses 97 Strand, London and by the Proprietor G Thomson, Edinburgh.

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