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Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart

Contains dance descriptions and accompanying music mainly from John Walshs 'The Complete Country Dancing-Master, Being a Collection of all the Celebrated Country Dances now in Vogue. Perform'd at Court, the Theatres, Masquerades, and Publick Balls With Proper Tunes and Directions to each Dance. The Tunes fitted for the Violin, Hoboy, or German Flute'.

Notes on dances

Handwritten notes on: The Bob of Fettercairn; The White Cockade; The Dutchess (sic) of York;Off she goes; Light and airy; The Marquis of Huntly's Highlanders; Miss Kitty Campbell of Shawfield's Reel

Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart

'Reels of Eight' descriptions from various sources including:
Eightsome Reel and Another Eight Reel from the Blantyre MSS 1805;
French Assembly Reel and Assembly Reel from "The Ball-Room" 1827;
The Reel of Eight from "The Globe Guide to the Art of Dancing";
The Eightsome Reel from MacKay's Ballroom Guide.
Additional notes concerning Book 27 were added by an unknown author

Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart

Titled: 'SCDS [Book XII]'. Contains dance descriptions with music from various sources including 'Rutherford 1772', Neil Gow III, Twenty Four Scottish Country Dances from the year 1793' and Caledonian Country Dances 1748.
Ranting Highland Man, Lads of Leath, Tweedside, Buttered Pease, Border Reel, Kiss Quick My Mothers a Coming or Bonnie Jocky, Swines Tale to Georgia, Right Scotch Contention or Ye Duke of Atholl's Rant, Musselborough or Jenny Bang the Weaver, John Black's Daughter, Grant's Quickstep or Scots Tune, The Braes of Balquhither, Mrs Stewart's Strathspey, The Sailor Laddie, Lady Betty Cochrans Reel, Odd Thoughts, Miss Jessy Dalrymples Reel, Lady Betty Boyle's Reel, Miss Christie Dalrymples Fancy, Sontra Hill, Mrs Falconar's Fancy, Bonny Geordies Wig, Yester House, The Black Dance, The Machine Without Horses.

Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart

'Copy of Castle Menzies. This was copied by me from a notebook written by the Lady Dorothea Riggles Brise. She supplied the music from other sources, contemporary when possible'.

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