Showing 1390 results

Archival description
Photographs of the International Team performing at the International Folklore Festival 1954 at Pescara, Italy
Photographs of the International Team performing at the International Folklore Festival 1954 at Pescara, Italy
Photograph of the International team dancing in South Africa
Photograph of the International team dancing in South Africa
Photograph of Jean Milligan with members of the International Team in Bavaria
Photograph of Jean Milligan with members of the International Team in Bavaria
John Drewry's dances Marilyn & Jim Healy (compiled by)
John Drewry's dances Marilyn & Jim Healy (compiled by)
Scottish Country Dancing: Profile of dancers, movivation, organisation
Scottish Country Dancing: Profile of dancers, movivation, organisation
Practice in Variations in a Regulated Dance Form
Practice in Variations in a Regulated Dance Form
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 3
The Scottish Country Dance Book - Book 3
Scottish Country Dances for young people and new dancers. Book 40
Scottish Country Dances for young people and new dancers. Book 40
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Book 50 Spring Fling 12 Scottish Country Dances
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Book 50 Spring Fling 12 Scottish Country Dances
Teaching Scottish Country Dancing in Schools
Teaching Scottish Country Dancing in Schools
Four Scottish Country Dances 1978
Four Scottish Country Dances 1978
Four Scottish Country Dances 1978
Four Scottish Country Dances 1978
Five Scottish Country Dances 1982
Five Scottish Country Dances 1982
Bulletin No 10 October 1936
Bulletin No 10 October 1936
Bulletin No 11 March 1937
Bulletin No 11 March 1937
Bulletin No. 12 October 1937
Bulletin No. 12 October 1937
Bulletin No. 13, March 1938
Bulletin No. 13, March 1938
Bulletin No. 19 November 1941
Bulletin No. 19 November 1941
War Economy Bulletin June 1942
War Economy Bulletin June 1942
Bulletin No. 26, October 1948
Bulletin No. 26, October 1948
Bulletin No. 27 October 1949
Bulletin No. 27 October 1949
Bulletin No. 31, October 1953
Bulletin No. 31, October 1953
Bulletin No. 32, October 1954
Bulletin No. 32, October 1954
Bulletin No. 37 October 1959
Bulletin No. 37 October 1959
Bulletin No. 47, October 1969
Bulletin No. 47, October 1969
Bulletin No. 68, October 1990
Bulletin No. 68, October 1990
Bulletin No. 69, October 1991
Bulletin No. 69, October 1991
Bulletin No. 74, October 1996
Bulletin No. 74, October 1996
Bulletin No. 81, October 2003
Bulletin No. 81, October 2003
Bulletin No. 82, November 2004
Bulletin No. 82, November 2004
Scottish Country Dancer No. 1 Autumn 2005
Scottish Country Dancer No. 1 Autumn 2005
Scottish Country Dancer No. 8 April 2009
Scottish Country Dancer No. 8 April 2009
Scottish Country Dancer No. 13 October 2011
Scottish Country Dancer No. 13 October 2011
Scottish Country Dancer No. 15 October 2012
Scottish Country Dancer No. 15 October 2012
Scottish Country Dancer No. 19 October 2014
Scottish Country Dancer No. 19 October 2014
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 24 April 2017
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 24 April 2017
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 29 October 2019
Scottish Country Dancer Vol 29 October 2019
Annual Review 2013
Annual Review 2013
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Notebook belonging to Ysobel Stewart
Letter from Archibald Campbell to Yosbel Stewart
Letter from Archibald Campbell to Yosbel Stewart
Florence Adams Papers
Florence Adams Papers
Notebook of Summer School class plans
Notebook of Summer School class plans
Notes on the SCD Pianists course
Notes on the SCD Pianists course
Notebook recording teaching plans for classes given by Florence Adams at various weekend schools
Notebook recording teaching plans for classes given by Florence Adams at various weekend schools
Notebook recording class plans for evening classes given by Florence Adams
Notebook recording class plans for evening classes given by Florence Adams
Notebook of meetings of various committees on which Adams served
Notebook of meetings of various committees on which Adams served
Talk given at Bellshill West Church Women's Guild
Talk given at Bellshill West Church Women's Guild
Talk given at the Hamilton and Clydesdale branch with handwritten notes
Talk given at the Hamilton and Clydesdale branch with handwritten notes
Talk and programme of dances  given at the Burnbank Woman's Guild Hamilton
Talk and programme of dances given at the Burnbank Woman's Guild Hamilton
Talk given by Florence Adams at the first adjudicators course entitled: Preparatory work before adjudicating a competitive festival
Talk given by Florence Adams at the first adjudicators course entitled: Preparatory work before adjudicating a competitive festival
Letter from Florance Adams to Alastair MacFadyen
Letter from Florance Adams to Alastair MacFadyen
Letter from RSCDS Secretary acknowledging Adams withdrawal from the list of examiners
Letter from RSCDS Secretary acknowledging Adams withdrawal from the list of examiners
Handwritten programme for a 'Presentation to Miss F.H. Adams
Handwritten programme for a 'Presentation to Miss F.H. Adams
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Part 2
Part 2
Minute book of the Publications Committee
Minute book of the Publications Committee
Minute book of  Examinations Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of Examinations Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Part 3
Part 3
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minutes and papers of the 75th Anniversary Sub Committee
Minutes and papers of the 75th Anniversary Sub Committee
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2002
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2002
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2003
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2003
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2007
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2007
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2011
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2011
The Sailor's Hornpipe
The Sailor's Hornpipe
The Bon-Accord Collection of Scottish Music Voloume I
The Bon-Accord Collection of Scottish Music Voloume I
Allan's Irish Pianist Part 2
Allan's Irish Pianist Part 2
The Grampian Collectiobn
The Grampian Collectiobn
The Cloverleaf Collection Book 1 Revised edition 1996
The Cloverleaf Collection Book 1 Revised edition 1996
Bobby MacLeod's Selection of Country Dance Tunes
Bobby MacLeod's Selection of Country Dance Tunes
Songs of the Hebrides for Schools
Songs of the Hebrides for Schools
Middletons Selection of Strathspeys, Reels etc for the Violin
Middletons Selection of Strathspeys, Reels etc for the Violin
The International Selection or Palais Glide
The International Selection or Palais Glide
Captain cook's Country Dances
Captain cook's Country Dances
The Dunkeld Bridge Collection
The Dunkeld Bridge Collection
Jimmy's Fancy - Jimmy Shand and his Band
Jimmy's Fancy - Jimmy Shand and his Band
Bobby Macleod's Highland Dance Band
Bobby Macleod's Highland Dance Band
Andy Stewart Sings
Andy Stewart Sings
Ready... And!
Ready... And!
Highland Airs
Highland Airs
Dance On The Fiddle
Dance On The Fiddle
The San Francisco Collection Volume 2
The San Francisco Collection Volume 2
The Competitive Highland Dancer's Champion's Choice
The Competitive Highland Dancer's Champion's Choice