Lowe's Royal Collection of Reels, Strathspeys & Jigs as performed at Her Majesty's Balls, at the Edinburgh & Glasgow Assemblies And at all Fashionable Meetings in Scotland by Howard's Band, Books I & II
MacFayden lecture on RSCDS Archives at TAC 26 Aug 1984
Madge Wildfire's Srathspey; Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
Magazine Dances 2005-2009
Manual of Dancing or, A Companion to the Ball-Room
Mary Isdale MacNab Dancers
Mary Isdale MacNab Dances
Mary Isdale McNab Papers
Mason's Apron; Lamb Skinnet
Masters of the Tradition
McBain's Scottish Country Dance Band 1947-1980 Remembered
McBain's Scottish Country Dance Band. Basingstoke Ball Live 1971
McGill Manuscript
Meet the Olympians
Members of Boston Branch
Membership card of the SCDS
Middletons Selection of Strathspeys, Reels etc for the Violin
Military Dance Events 1861-1917
Milton (Brisbane) Scottish Country Dance Club
Minute book of Examinations Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Annual General Meetings of Members of the Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Annual General Meetings of Members of the Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Executive Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Finance Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the General Purposes Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the General Purposes Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the General Purposes Committee of the RSCDS
Minute book of the Propaganda Sub Committee of the Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Publications and Research Committee
Minute book of the Publications and Research Committee
Minute book of the Publications Committee
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minute book of the Summer School Sub-Committee of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2002
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2003
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2004
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2005
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2006
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2007
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2008
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2009
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2010
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2011
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2012
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2013
Minutes and Papers of Management Board Meetings 2014
Minutes and papers of the 75th Anniversary Sub Committee
Minutes and papers of the Public Relations sub-Committee
Minutes of the Strategic Planning Sub Committee
Minutes of Youth Committee; Under 16's sub-Committee and Young Scottish Dancers Association
Miscellaneous Papers
Miss M M Dow
Miss Milligan and Mrs. Bingham
Miss Milligan's Young Team Summer School 1967
Miss Ogilvie's Fancy
Montgomery Rant; Fidget
Monymusk; Inch of Perth
More Capital Reels (specially arranged for dancing)
More Scottish Ceilidh Music Volume 2
Mr. John Rice's Gift
Mr Roger's Annual Selection of Fashionable Dances For the Year 1815. "As performed at his Ball, Arranged for the Piano Forte & Intended for the improvement & amusement of his Pupils, to whom it is respectfully inscribed"
Mrs Clemy Stewart's Reel; Duchess of Athole's Slipper, The
Mrs Grant's Fancy; Dalkeith's Strathspey
Mrs McLeod; The Bottom of the Punch Bowl
Mrs. Thomas Bingham 1879-1970
Muller's Basses to the Select Reels & Strathspeys of Scotland
Murial Johnstone and her Band play for Roy Goldring Dances
Music by Scott Skinner, Alexander Troup et al -'
Music for 12 Perth Dances
Music for 12 Scottish Country Dances
Music for 16 dances from The Ribble Valley Book of Scottish Country Dances
Music for Quadrilles
Music for Scottish Country Dancing. Chosen by The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
Music for Scottish Dancing
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
Music notebook belonging to Jean Milligan
"My Scotland" Jimmy Shand and his Strict Tempo Band.
National and Character Dances
New Sounds in Scottish Music. Teresa Duffy
New Zealand Journal of Physical Education No.15
No. 1, La Tempte; No. 2, The Bumpkin
No. 1, Scottish Reform Reel; No. 2, The Dashing White Sergeant
No. 11, Cumberland Reel; No. 12, The Merry Lads of Ayr