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Country Balls and Village Halls
Country Balls and Village Halls
Advertisments for Dance Classes 1858-1921
Advertisments for Dance Classes 1858-1921
Then and Now
Then and Now
Article: 'Some early Highland Dancing competitions' - extract
Article: 'Some early Highland Dancing competitions' - extract
Nan Main
Nan Main
Military Dance Events 1861-1917
Military Dance Events 1861-1917
Notes for an article "Ghosts of Ellwyn Glen" published in "The Scotsman" news...
Notes for an article "Ghosts of Ellwyn Glen" published in "The Scotsman" newspaper 2nd may 1934
Notes on the Origins of  Highland Dancing
Notes on the Origins of Highland Dancing
Article: 'Some early Highland Dancing competitions' - extract
Article: 'Some early Highland Dancing competitions' - extract
Then and Now
Then and Now